Chapter 11

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Ross POV.

Wow.. Shes really mine. I smiled to myself as we walked inside, my arm around her.

We walked into our room and she grabbed some clothes and walked into the bathroom. I did the same once she was done.

I climbed in bed with her and put my arm around her shoulder. We put our foreheads together. I looked into her eyes. 

"Night beautiful." i said.

She blushed.

"Night."she said.

I fell asleep with her in my arms.

*The next morning.*

Kate POV.

I woke up laying on Ross' chest. I got up quietly, trying not to wake him up. I put on Ross' sweatshirt and went outside to the beach.

I was standing there looking into the ocean when I felt strong arms around me. I jumped.

"Hey its ok. Its just me." said Ross. "Oh, hey" i said.

"I woke up and you weren't there. I got scared. What are you doing up so early, its like 5am." he said, sleepely.

"I just wasnt tired." I shrugged.

"You sure thats it?" he said.

I almost told him about how I ran away and that there was no acting gig. I decided not to.

"Yeah. Yeah thats all" i said with a smile.

He smiled back at me and kissed my neck softly. He picked me up bridal style and carried me back to the house, both of us smiling.

Hope ya guys like it so far, :)

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