Chapter 46

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Kate POV.

"Do you have all of your stuff dear?" Stormie asked coming down the stairs.

I looked through all of my bags. "Uh.. Yeah. I think so."

She smiled. It was a sad smile though. "You know were all going to miss you so so much."

I hugged her. "I know. Thank you for everything."

"Your welcome dear." She said.

I turned around and saw Delly. I hugged her tight.

"Make sure you text.. and call. Ok?" Del said.

"I know. I will, I promise." I said.

I hugged Rocky, Ryland and Ratliff goodbye. Then I went over to Riker.

I hugged him. "Well visit you. Probably after the tour." He said.

"Oh you are still going?"I asked shocked.

"Yeah. Everything got pushed back a month."He said.

I smiled. "Thats great Rik."

I gave him one final hug. "Love you Riker."

"Love you too goofball." He said smiling.

I went outside to the car where Ross was standing. He was just starring off into space.

"Babe?" I said.

He looked over. "Oh hey. Are you leaving now?"

I nodded and looked at the ground. He lifted my head up and kissed me hard. I kissed back.

My eyes filled with tears. "Ill come to visit as soon as I can. I promise. As soon as Im at the legal age, Im moving out. Ill move down here by you guys. Okay?" I asked.

He nodded, "That'd be great babe."

I had never seen him more sad. It just broke my heart because I knew, in a way, all of this was my fault.

"Im so sorry I did this to you. I feel so bad."I said.

He shook his head, "I wouldnt change you coming here in the first place. Im glad this happened. Im not happy that, this, has to happen, but..." He trailed off.

I leaned up and kissed him. Then the car honked, signaling that I had to leave.

"I love you Shor. Ill call you later." I said in tears.

He nodded, a tear running down his cheek. "I love you too baby."He managed to say.

I hopped into the car and started to cry.

Ross POV.

I watched her go. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do.

I slid down the wall and cryed, knowing that I just lost the most precious thing in the world.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Riker.

"Lets go in. Its late." He said quietly.

I nodded. We went into the house and everyone gave me sympathetic looks. I just went upstairs in my room and layed on my bed. I felt something underneath me. I picked it up. It was a piece of paper.

I opened it. It read:

     Dear Ross,

I know this has got to be terrible for you. Belive me, its horrible for me too. I just cant belive our wonderful time together is gone.. I wish it wasnt. Your laying on the bed next to me fast asleep. Ill miss this a lot... Anyway, I just wanted to say that I love you with all of my heart and Im gonna miss you terribly. The reason Im writing this is because I know that when we were saying goodbye I woulnt have the words to tell you how much you truly mean to me. At my house, back in Colorado, I just dont fit in. When im with you and your family and your band.... I just feel like its where I belong. I really wish I could stay with you so we could have more moments like these. I love you Shor. Dont you ever forget that.

I put the letter on my dresser next to me and fell fast asleep.

            *The next morning.*

I yawned and looked over next to me. I was expecting to see Kate, but she wasn't there. I sighed, remembering everything.

I got off my bed, not really wanting to get up. I threw on a pair of shorts and went downstairs.

"Morning hun." Mom said.

I just nodded. "Whats for breakfast?"

"Pancakes." She said.

Normally I loved it when she made pancakes. But right now I wasnt that excited.

Soon after, everyone had come downstairs to eat. No one mentioned anything about Kate, and I was happy they didnt.

"Come on Ross, eat." Dad said from across the table.

"Im not hungry." I said flatly and left the room.

Happy New Year Guys!


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