Chapter 5

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Kates POV.

    By the time I finished packing it was 2 in the morning. I didnt know if I was gonna regret this but I decided to do it anyway.

I grabbed some food too. I walked out of my house into the cool September air. I didnt know where I was going. I guess I would find out when I got there.

Then I had an idea. What if I went to the Lynches house. I had no idea if they even knew who I was anymore. They probably all forgot about me. That was a risk I was willing to take.

I walked for about an hour until I couldnt walk another step. I fell asleep on a library bench. I woke up with 4 missed calls, 3 missed texts and 3 missed voicemails.

The texts were from Sam, asking how I was and telling me to call her if I needed to talk.

The calls and voicemails were from my mom asking were I was and that I needed to get home.

I didnt reply to any of them. I got up and went into a restaurant and changed in the bathroom. I was a mess. I looked like I walked out of the dump. Oh well.

Back on the road again.

Hope u enjoyed. What do u think will happen when Kates mom finds out? Keep reading!

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