Chapter 18

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As I began work at the coffee shop I also told them I will have to work another job due to some financial issues that has came up. The manager is totally understanding and promised to work with my schedule for the designer place.
Nate has been showing me some nice apartments and houses for rent. There is this one apartment that I have fell in love with and Nate knew about it. Although I haven't said yes to moving in with him he still trying to help and it's so sweet.
My phone buzzed throwing me out of my thoughts. Since I am on break I took my phone out looking.
Layla- Your dad um this is so weird to be in the middle, but he wants you to come over for dinner tonight after your shift. What should I tell him?
Me- Yeah sure. You good with being my best friend/sister and me dating your best friend?
I waited for her to answer.
Layla- Of course!! How could you even ask me that? I love that we can actually be together and have much more fun. As far as Nate I done told him family comes first and I will always have your back. He better watch out.
I laughed rolling my eyes.
Nate-You have only thirty minutes until your shift is over what do you want to do?
Me- My dad invited us for dinner so I am going to the dorm change and go over there and if you want to come meet me at my door. Gotta go break is over! 😘
I clocked back in from my break to began working again.
"Natalie!" Rose calls me
I got nervous as she is my manger and I thought I did something wrong.
"Yes Ms. Rose? Did I mess something up or not do it right? If so I'm so sorry I'm trying my hardest."
She smiles. "No girl and don't call me Ms you can actually go ahead and go home. We are about to close soon. Also you are doing a fantastic job on your first day."
I thanked her clocking out and calling Nate, but he is outside standing against the wall.
"What are you doing here?" I laugh
He takes my hand and school bag. "I thought you would like company walking back to your door so we can go to your dads."
I look at him. "Really you will come? You know you really don't have too."
"Damn Natalie the way you just looked at me is a big ass turn on."
I look away from him and I knew my face was giving away the embarrassment. "What look?"
He smiles the only smile for me. "The one where you look through your eyelashes baby."
We reach my dorm and we split apart. He went to his to grab some different clothes and shoes along with his shower stuff as I went in getting a pair of blue jean pants that has designs on the back pant pockets, a baby blue sleeveless lace floral strap tank top with my black jean jacket, and lastly my sparkly black tennis shoes. I get my bathroom bag and towel with my outfit going to the showers to bath and get ready.
I decided to leave my hair down and show off the curls, but I am definitely bringing a hair bow just in case. Once I was dressed I went back to my room as Nate was there waiting for me like usually for the past of couple days.
He looked handsome with his white v neck T-shirt, black jeans and black adidas. Although I can see a couple of his tattoos through the shirt. I just can't make out what it is.
He gets up crossing the room to me. Placing his hands around my waist I wrap my arms around his neck.
"Are you ready for this?" I ask nervously
He laughs. "Of course baby, but are You ready for this?"
I smile trying to hide my nervousness. "Let's get it over with." I say kissing him then getting my phone, charger, and room key.

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