Chapter 7

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As Justin and I danced the night away we walked outside for some fresh air and to talk. He comes from divorce parents and is from South Carolina. He is two years older then me also. As I gave him a summary of my life he apologized for the Behavioral of my dad. I know it's not any guys fault, but I'm built to thinking that.
"Look I can tell that you're starting feel something for Nate, you watched him basically all night and it's okay I promise. Just don't waste your time on him." He says
I look down. "I'm so sorry Justin I don't mean to toy with you. You are really nice, sweet, and funny. I want to know you and still would love that date that you offered. Maybe we would go to another level or maybe we just stay friends. I wish I could tell the future."
He smiles a perfect little smile while looking out into the yard of this big house. Without thinking I grab his face and my breathing picks up. I hear the door creak open making me jump.
"Wow." I hear a voice say
I look up seeing Nate standing there.
"Wow what dude?" Justin says
Looking between Nate and Justin my breathe gets caught in my chest and I start coughing. After a few minutes of calming down I walk away from the arguing boys.
I already kind of know the way back to the dorm and I already know that it will take an hour and some to get there. I'm glad I didn't wear no high heels the walk back in sandals is rough enough. My mind is still going over how Nate looked at me as I was about to stupidly kiss Justin just to get back at a boy who doesn't even give a crap about me. I kick at a rock hurting myself in the process.
"Stupid Natalie just stupid." I say out loud
"I can't argue with that." Someone says behind me
  I turn around ready to punch just to see Nate.
"What the hell do you want Nate? Don't you think you done enough?"
I rolled my eyes and started walking again. He makes my blood boil, but the feelings are so strong for this boy I barely even know. I feel Nate hand on my arm spinning me around.
"Can I help you?"
"Would you shut the hell up for a split second so I can talk or just get in the car and I will explain the whole way back to your dorm."
I look down the street seeing his car then back at him. Is the car ride worth it or should I walk?     Deciding with the car ride because walking is just to much and it's late at night. I walk back to his car in silence and got in the passenger side waiting for him.
Once he got in the car I put my head on the window I needed the space and answers. I wanted to know why he thought toying with my feelings is okay? Why does he keep chasing me if I just another person to him? Mostly I want to know is why does he keep doing this?
"Natalie? Are you listening to me?" Nate says pulling my thoughts away from me
"No um I zoned out."
"I can tell, but listen Justin isn't good for you..." He trails off as I began to laugh
"Justin isn't good for me, but let me guess you was going to say you are? Nate what kind of person sits here and pins a girl against the wall to answer a door? Or then says I was bringing you the assignments you missed? Want to get to know me, but can't be around me around other people that's the messed up part. Do you not understand the week that I ignored you that I didn't care to be friends? I want...want this feeling to go away, but it won't no matter what!" I laugh and yelled
Seeing we are in the parking lot of my dorms I get out walking away. I can't argue with him and I won't. It's to much to do when he clearly couldn't care.
"Natalie! I never felt this way before either! God don't you fucking understand by all the messages and me chasing that I want to be with you? I have never caught feelings for a girl then you come and it's like a fucking wave!" Nate yells pulling his hair
"You like me, but can't be with me because of what?!" I yell back. "I know what because of Shay! You just want to fuck and that's it. Not with me I'm not that girl so go run back to the party sorry for the damn disappointment."
I walk to the dorms going through the halls as fast as I could to get away from him before causing a bigger scene. I grabbed my shorts and a tank top with my bathroom bag to go take a shower. I hate having a public shower place. I shower as fast as I could and dressed quickly going back to my dorm room.
When I opened the door I see Nate sitting on my bed. I signed I am to tired now for this.
"Nate please just leave I am tired and honestly don't want to argue with you. Everything is civil okay. Friends?" I say holding my hand out
"I don't want to argue either, but I meant what I said your the only girl that I will fight for though."
He gets up off my bed walking out the door.

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