Chapter 17

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I am still stunned over what he asked me.
"Move in with me."
Those words kept replaying in my head as I just starred at him. People will think I'm pregnant or something crazy.  We just started dating had a first big issue and he thinks by solving most of them would be by moving in. He puts his hand on my cheek and I look at him.
"If you want to get an apartment instead of being here then we can do that I can pay for everything."
Knock knock.
I looked at him as he looked at me like who the hell can this be. I moved to sit on his bed as he answered the door.
"Nate, Natalie I'm sorry for bothering you not, but Natalie your mom is about to show up to the room she's following me. I just wanted to give you a warning."
My eyes went wide and I looked at Nate. What could my mom possibly want she is suppose to be on her way home.
"Natalie Alessia Scott why the hell are you in this boy room?"
I looked at her. "The question is why are you here mami."
"Oh no you don't. Let's go right now." She says waking into the room pulling me off the bed and out the door.
"Hey she's old enough to make her own discussions. Get your hands off of her." Nate says getting mad
"I don't know you but I can tell you are no good for my child! She isn't focusing on school! No go away you punk little boy."
I had enough. I yank my arm away from her stopping dead in the hallway. "Don't you dare talk to him that way! I'm sorry mother you didn't have the life you wanted because papi left and you had me to deal with, but you can't control my life anymore! You have to let me figure my life out and do what I want or to make mistakes! It's my life not yours!"
"Is that what you really want Natalie?"
"Yes mom it is. I love you, but you can't control me anymore!"
"Fine then either focus on school and get rid of this or your cut off! Then figure out how you will pay for this 4,500 dollar dorm room per semester. He is going to break your heart Natalie." With that my mom walks away
Layla comes up to me hugging me and Nates gets me pulling Layla and I to his room. I'm in disbelief that my mom would really cut the funding's for me to school. Next semester is only weeks away and there's no way I can get almost five thousand dollars in three weeks.
Nate started making calls for i don't even know what. I can always try to talk to my dad, but I need to talk to Layla.
"Layla." I finally say
"Yeah Natalie?"
"My dad is your dad or what." I mumble
You could tell by her expression that this was coming and I just didn't know exactly how to word anything.
"He is my adoptive father. He adopted me couple years ago. My mother is my birth mom."
I shook my head okay and went back into my own little world. As the time past Nate picked me up from the chair and put me on his bed.
"Nate I have no idea what I'm going to do. I had two job interviews and I got one of them, but it's thirty minutes away by walking. They give credits for classes also I...I...omg im sorry for what my mom said to you and about you." I cried
I am lost and completely upset. How could my mom be this mean? Is it because she never found another love of her life? Is it because I'm told I look like my father? I would never know and I hope one day my mom will come around.
"Natalie listen you can not control what anyone says hell I have been called worse. Don't let your mother get you. I'm sure this is what she may want you running back to her and apologizing, but show her you are better then this and that you have came out stronger than before."
I knew what Nate said was true, but I would have to get at least two jobs and try to cover something for my dorm. I know the offer to move in with Nate still stands I just don't know about that yet.

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