Chapter 30

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Nate took me out to this fancy restaurant. I got a pasta as he got a steak and baked potato. As we talked my worried went away and I soon realized I was just over thinking everything. After we ate we went to the movies my phone vibrated and I look at the screen. Layla.
Layla- call me now something is wrong with your dad.
I jump up running out to the hallway waiting for her to answer.
"Layla what's going on? Is he okay?"
"Natalie calm down he is going to the hospital, but I think it's just the flu a bad case of it."
"The hospital he works at right?"
I couldn't keep calm my thoughts were going everywhere. Nate comes out and walks to my side.
I hang up with Layla telling Nate everything. We rush out to the car going to the hospital. When we finally arrive to the hospital we had to wait in the family waiting area. I wanted to call my mom, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I miss her and right now would be the best time of her calming me.
I go back and forth in my mind wither to call her or not eventually I talk myself out of it.
"Natalie." Layla mom calls me
I look over to her standing up.
"Is he alright? What's going on?"
She lays a hand on my shoulder. "He just has a very bad case of food poisoning. We thought it was the flu or something, but it isn't. I will wait here while you go see him."
I nod and look for the room she tells me he is in. As I looked back at Nate I could see Laura (Layla's mom) talking to him. I knock on the door to hear my dads muffled come in.
I walk in seeing him in an hospital gown, an iv with fluids. My heart torn of seeing my father this way. I have been trying to build our relationship and so far it's been great.
"Princesa you didn't need to come here. I will be okay." He laughs
I rolled my eyes. "Food poisoning papi really? That takes a lot on your body."
He nods agreeing with me. "Your mother will actually be here in about five minutes."
I looked at him. Did I just hear him correctly? My mother why?
"Porque papi?! I told you I'm not ready to talk to her.  Just because a couple months has passed doesn't give the right for me to forgive her. Papi she lied to me about you."
My dad pats the bed beside him and I walk over to sit there. "Mija listen you can't go forever without talking to her. You will need her in your life no matter what the outcome of anything is. Tu abuela me dijo una vez "puedo que odie lo que hicieron, pero olvidé nunca."
Soon enough the hospital door opens and I'm looking at her.

Betrayal ***NOW PUBLISHED***Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon