Chapter 4

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As everyone waited turns it was Nate turn and he just dared Michael to go make out with some girl. It was now Shay turn and she looks me dead in the eyes.
"Truth or dare?"
"Truth." I whispered
"Well by looking at you I already know the answer, but is it true that you never had sex?" Shay smirks
My cheeks started burning it's like I could feel my heartbeat in my ears. What an inappropriate question to ask someone especially in front of boys. But it is true my ex and I never got far he wanted more and I wasn't ready so he cheated on me ending in us breaking up. I don't want to answer this at all.
"I will do dare instead."
"I dare you to go upstairs to a room with Nate." Justin says
I look at the boy who groans and stands up to much of my surprise. "Are we doing this or what?" He asks rudely
"No I'm not going anywhere with you. I'm done playing this damn game."
I get up walking out of the house. I should have known this wouldn't be good. I don't even know how to get back to the dorms. I pull up my maps and press the walking sign and typed the address of the college in. One hour fifteen minute walk. At least I work my tennis shoes. As I began to walk a car pulls up to me.
"I'll take you home."
I looked over to see Nate in his challenger. "I rather walk then ride with someone who is being rude to me that just met me hours ago." I snapped
"Come on this isn't the time to be all big and bad get in the car."
I thought about it for a second I really don't want to walk for nearly two hours so I walk to the passenger side getting in. I look out the window as he drove down the road.
Mom❤️: I am so disappointed in you! Stacy called me saying she was worried about you because you haven't answered her back. What was you thinking going to a party!? I told you I wanted to change your rooms.
I signed turning my phone off. I notice Nate starring at me and I look at him.
"What?" I said clearly irritated
"You are hard to read."
I rolled my eyes leaning my head against the window closing my eyes.
"Look I'm sorry for being a jerk. I just don't like meeting new people really, but you are a feisty little one." He says smiling
I look at him rolling my eyes. "First of all I'm not a "little one" as you just said second you don't know anything about me. And I don't appreciate your comments about me before you walked out of my dorm room."
I noticed his smile grew even bigger and I couldn't help but look. He is so beautiful and handsome just with the worst attitude of all. The rest of the car ride was silent.  I wanted to break the silence once we got into the parking lot, but what would I say to this boy that I just met hours ago? I looked at him as I took my seatbelt off and grabbed my phone.
"Um thanks i guess for the ride." I say climbing out of his car
I shut the car door walking away.
"Natalie! Hey wait a second." Nate shouts
I turn around to see him walking fast across the grass towards me. I'm already annoyed as I turned my phone on to see my moms millions of text, but now this boy wants to talk after a whole what twenty minutes of a car ride that was silent.
"Yes?" I say as he got about three feet away from me
"I was wondering if I could um-" He laughs shakily running his hand through his hair. "Um maybe to get to know you better? I really don't want to go back to the party."
I laughed at his nervousness and looked down. "Why don't you want to go back? You seem to be having fun." I say sarcastically
"I don't drink, but it seemed pretty fun, but now that you came in it seems boring."
I laugh even more at his corny joke to try to get me all sweet and crap, but it didn't work. I don't mind if he comes in. He would have to just sit on Layla's bed.

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