Chapter 23

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He is here with his hand up like he was about to knock. He smiles at me showing his dimple. I couldn't find words to say or what to think. It upset me that he could just show up and not text me back after all this time. I look down at my shoes.
"I'm sorry Natalie can we talk?" He whispers
I look down the hall and then back in my room.
"Oh damn you was about to leave? Maybe another time." He says fully looking at me
"Oh um I was just uh going to walk to some buy here pay here car places to find me a car. You can tag alone if you don't mind walking." I half laughed
He laughs shaking his head. "I do have a car remember? I can definitely drive you to the places."
I wanted to smack myself in the head. "Uh okay yeah sure."
I am still speechless. It's been literally a seven weeks since I have seen him and he looks different. He seems more taller, muscular, more handsome. No Natalie don't think that way your with Nate. Shit. If Nate finds this out he will flip. He didn't like me being with Justin beforehand and if he finds this out now he is going to kill Justin and me.
"Wait Natalie what happened to your cheek?" Justin asks curious
How could he see that it was hardly noticeable. I shook my head nothing. He knew better though, but didn't push the subject. As we got in his car Nate was pulling into campus.
"Shit!!" I said sliding down hoping he doesn't see me
Justin looks at me curiously. "Drive now." I half yelled
He put the car in drive speeding away.
"What the hell was that about?"
"Um Nate and I are kind of like dating I guess."
Justin took this into note and I watched his face has he registered this.
"You couldn't wait for me?" Was all Justin spoke
My mouth went dry. "I...I tried to text, call, everything I could think of to talk to you. I know you need your space, but eventually life moves on too. You are a great friend Justin I don't want that to ruin." I whispered
He nods keeping his eyes on the road. I could see the hurt on his face. I told him which car place to go to and soon enough we was here.
"Justin?" I barely whispered
He looks at me. "Yeah?"
"Please don't be upset or mad at me. I can't take it from anyone else right now. I'm to far exhausted from working two jobs, school, and trying to buy a car along with finding a cheap apartment." I say deciding to leave Nate out of it. "I don't have the energy to fight with you too."
He gets out walking to my side of the car opening the door. I get out grabbing my bag and Justin pulls me into a hug.
"Natalie I could never be mad at you if anything I have myself to blame. I'll always be here. Now let's find you a car while we  catch each other up."
I smile. We walk over to the car talking about everything and anything until this Altima caught my eye. It's a nice shiny black with tinted windows. I opened up the door seeing the inside is leather seats, Bluetooth radio. I'm sure it's way out of my budget, before I could say anything Justin was already talking to the guy. Soon enough Justin comes back with the keys in his hand.
"Nothing is wrong with it and it's now yours." He says giving the keys to me
I looked at him. "Justin you didn't just buy me this car?! Please tell me that! How much is it. Here I have this much I can pay the rest to you soon enough." I say speaking a hundred miles
He laughs shaking his head. "No Natalie really I did this because you stayed all night basically when my sister passed. I wanted to help you. Save that up to get you a place or whatever it is."
I felt guilty, but I thanked him so much even as we drove off the lot with him following me to put gas and going to the dmv to get a tag and insurance. Once we left the dmv my car is now legal. I put the Bluetooth on and soon enough Nate is calling.
"Hello? I answer I couldn't hide my excitement
"Hey.." His voice was deep from sleep like he just woke up
"What is it?"
"Where are you? Do you have me on speaker?" He asks
I rolled my eyes although I know he couldn't see it.
"No I have you on my Bluetooth in MY NEW CAR!!" I half shouted
"Why didn't you ask me to go with you?" He whines
"Um I text and called you all night and this morning! Even going by your room and you wasn't there. It's your fault."
"You didn't do any of that I mean I'm sure it was you at my door who locked it, but calling and texting I never got anything."
I sent him the screenshots of me calling and texting waiting for his response now.
"Fuck! I never got theses I'm sorry baby. Let me know when you get back."
I said goodbye handing up. Something about the way he acted was off. I couldn't put my finger on it, but this wasn't him. He has always gotten my text and calls even when he hated me and I hated him. Justin and I went out to lunch and after that we went our separate ways until later on.
I got back to my dorm letting Nate know and soon enough he is pounding on my door. I open my door and he comes walking through with his hand running through his hair and pacing around in my small dorm room.
"What is your problem?" I ask
"Are you cheating on me!?" He yells
I was confused as hell. Like where did this come from and why did he think this was okay to yell at me.
"No Nate! I wouldn't do that! Never. Why do you think that?"
" I saw you with Justin. I thought I was wrong, but Shay was at the place you left from having lunch with Justin."
I grew anger I hate Shay we have never liked each other and I couldn't care anymore, but this screwed with my mind of how he would automatically believes her over me.
"Nate look at me."
I wait for him to stop pacing and I told him every detail to reassure him that I did absolutely nothing with Justin besides leaving out that he paid for my car.
He took me in his arms whispering " I can't lose you."

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