Chapter 5

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  Nate follows me to my dorm room as I unlock the door he walks straight in to Layla's bed. I took my shoes off before climbing on my bed just looking down at my hands. I have no idea of what to say to this boy. My life has always been complicated and nothing now seems to be changing. My phone started ringing as it shows up "Mom❤️." I decided to answer knowing I am instantly going to regret it.
"Are you crazy young lady? Going to a party! You need to focus on that school work instead of drinking and drugs!" My mother shouts
I signed. "'Mom school doesn't start until Monday! I am old enough to do for myself! I don't live in the house anymore and you sure in the hell can't keep bossing me around! I know you only want best for me, but I have to figure out my life for me not for you to control my every single move! I love you, but I'm hanging up now. Goodnight."
I hung up and look at Nate apologetic. "I um I'm sorry you had to hear that."
"Your okay. You should stand up for yourself because this isn't your moms life it's yours."
I knew what he is saying is true, but I couldn't help but feel guilty for what I said to my mother. It's not her fault of what happened or why she is the way she is. It is my fathers. The man who is suppose to see me grow up and "scare" the boys.
"Natalie?" Nate says pulling me from my thoughts
"Hmm?" I say looking over at him
"Tell me about your parents."
"There really isn't anything to say. My dad left when I was five years old and now has a new family. My mom worked her ass off with two plus job and I still had to get a job at sixteen to help for this place. Luckily I got the help of the low income. So as you see I'm not the girl as you said who gets whatever mommy and daddy buys me."
I got up facing the wall with my back to Nate. I couldn't let him see me get upset over my so called dad who didn't love me enough to try to stay in my life.
"Look I'm sorry I was just being a dick. It's what I do. Please let me get to know you so we can become better friends." Nate says right behind me
I jump as I felt his breath on the back of my neck. I turned around and he is only inches away. "Also if it helps anything my dad did drugs and left. My mom works hard and now my dad is getting married to some other women who gets his good side."
My heart sunk because I can see the hurt behind his gorgeous hazel eyes. I just wanted to wrap him in a hug, but I knew he wouldn't let me. I still reached out to him and touched his arm. The electrical feeling I have touching his arm is burning. I look deep at him and say "I'm sorry."
Nate takes my hand in his looking at me and it's like nothing in the world belonged here anymore. I barely know this boy and he has something stirring inside of me already.
"Natalie." He whispers as his lips get closer to me.

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