Chapter 32

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Days have passed since Nate and I little argument. We argued all night long. I couldn't even focus here in my class because of his behavior. I had packed a bag of clothes for a few days to go to my dads. I just needed to be away from him until he can get his act right.
My dad wanted to know what was going on when I called him before class started but I didn't want to tell him. All he kept saying is that his home is always opened for me.
Layla nudged me and I looked up at her.
"Yeah?" I whispered
"Your mind is not here what's going on?"
I shook my head nothing soon enough it's time to leave. I gathered my things and told Layla that I'll see her at dads and you know nothing if anything is asked. As I left the class I hurried to my car. I couldn't deal with classes right now I'm already ahead in all of them anyways. I already called out of work too. My first time ever missing work.
I got to my dads going inside. As he's sitting on the couch he looks at me surprised. I already knew which was my room. I took my bag up and flopped on the bed. My room is painted grey with white boarders. The room looked out the front part of the house with a little balcony.
I closed my eyes and my mind went straight back to the night of our argument couple days ago.
"Nate. Who is that? Why are you being so damn weird to me? I haven't done anything! I even stopped talking to Justin for you!"
"Natalie my phone my fucking business!" He yells. "You don't need to know what or who's calling or texting me."
Tears pricks my eyes. The hurt that I felt. "Goodnight Nate."
I woke up with tears rolling down my eyes. I didn't even realize I fell asleep.
"Natalie honey I made lunch if your hungry." Laura says barely knocking on the door
"Okay thanks I'll be right out." I said loud enough for her to hear
One thing I didn't realize is that my room has its own bathroom. I quickly went in there washing up then heading down.
As I came into the kitchen I was expecting to see my dad here too, but he wasn't in here. Laura had cooked enchiladas with a side salad. This look delicious.
I grabbed a plate and started fixing. I finally sat down taking a bite. Delicious isn't even the word for how amazing this taste.
"This is very delicious. Thank you."
Laura smiles saying thank you and I knew she wanted to ask what's wrong and I knew I could talk to her unlike my own mother.
"Laura is my dad around?" I asked before letting her know
"No he left for some work. It's just us here until Layla gets out of classes which isn't until late." She informs me
I nod. "Can I talk to you?"
"Of course honey. Anything you want to share I am here. I will give my honest opinion or help to the best I can."
I smile at her words. I started telling her how Nate has been from the beginning until the end of now. Laura nodded and made some faces and I knew she was trying to figure out how to say something.
"Natalie you are like a daughter to me and I always speak the truth.  But if Nate loves you like he says and I believe he does from the way that boy looks at you he wouldn't be acting the way he is. In my honest true opinion he may be hiding something."
My eyes stung with tears threatening to spill.  Laura words hit me for one she thought of me as her own daughter and second she could tell Nate loves me, but definitely thinks he's hiding something. I got up hugging her as the tears fell.
"Laura I know you and my father aren't married, but would you consider me calling you mom? Or mama Laura?"
She hugged me tighter and she's now crying. "Of course dear whatever you choose."
The front door opened and then footsteps came into the kitchen.
"What did I walk in on?" My dad chuckles
Laura and I straighten up wiping our eyes. Laura told my dad everything except about Nate and my dad smiles. He hugs me kissing the top of my head.
I heard my phone going off up in my room and excused myself. Walking up I seen it was Nate.
"Nate." I answer
"Natalie where are you?"
"I'm fine Nate, but I'm not coming home for a couple days. I just need to clear my head just like you do." I whispered
"Natalie please I'm sorry."
"Bye Nate." I say hanging up
The pain in his voice will stay in my head until I hear the happiness. He has to know I'm not like any other girl that will deal with this.

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