Chapter 10

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I have been up here at the hospital for two hours for Justin. His sister is taking her last little bit of life of making him laugh. I can see the hurt in him through every smile he gives her. His parents was very nice and thanked me repeatedly for the support. I asked if they wanted anything from the cafeteria and they said no. I get on the elevator going down to the main floor.
I grabbed everyone a coffee and some cookies and chips. Heading back up I see a face that I know. I gasp when I realize it's my birth father. I hurried to the elevator and pressed the button repeatedly until it closed. I am finally clear I let my breath out signing in relieve. I get back to the room give everyone a coffee and a juice for his sister.
"I hope you don't mind, but I brought cookies with some other junk food for us all."
"Oh Natalie thank you so much. You are to sweet." Ms. Evans says
I smile at her. "It's the least I can do." Justin looks a lot like her Green eyes, brown hair, lips and nose. He is tall like his father. A nurse comes in with the doctor. The doctor I seen downstairs the one I'm trying to avoid. I whisper to Justin that I'll be out in the hall and squeezed his hand.
I go to the waiting area turning my phone on. Within seconds twenty miss calls and fifty text messages. Couple of calls and text are from my mom and best friend Stacy the rest is from Nate. I click on Nate's name.
Nate- would you answer the damn phone please
Nate- I'm sorry okay
Nate- Natalie don't make me have to figure out where you are because I will just so you have to talk to me
Nate- Natalie please I really need a friend right now
Nate- Natalie please I don't fucking say please never it's only you please answer the fucking phone
I signed and decided to call him so he can stop blowing my phone up.
"Nate what do you want? Right now isn't a good time to talk."
"Look I'm sorry okay I keep messing up and I'm sorry."
"Nate I can't do this right now. Goodbye." I say hanging up
I could hear him yell my name and hear the urgency in his voice, but I just can't keep doing this back and forth crap with him. Right now a friend needs me and that's all that matters.

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