Chapter 33

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The time of my job came by fast and then it was back at my dads staying in my room. Layla finally knew what was going on and she was upset that Nate would treat me this way.
As I was in my own thoughts there was a knock on my room door. I signed. Can't anyone just let me sulk for my own self. I got up opening my door. It wasn't who I thought.
"W..w...what are you doing here?" I whispered looking down at the ground
"Natalie." He said waiting for me to look at him again
"If...if Nate finds out that I seen you he will flip his shit Justin and you know that. I made that one message very clear." I say flinching at the memory
Dear Justin,
I hate to do this gosh I hate it, but to not argue anymore with Nate about this I think it's best if we don't communicate anymore. I truly value our friendship and hope maybe one day we can reconnect until then Justin I'm sorry for all of this....
As I look at Justin and the memory from my message I just knew this wasn't going to end good.
"Natalie if Nate can still hang out with Shay who he use to fuck then we can be friends."
I always thought they had something before, but I didn't know it was like that. I went to my bed sitting down as Justin walks in shutting my door.
" did you know I was here?" I say fumbling with my hands
Of course she would get Justin over here. I told her how I felt for him before Nate, but at the end of it I love Nate.
"Natalie you are my closest friend and I don't want to see you upset. I get that we use to "talk" and went out of one date and I ruined all of that, but at the end of it I will be here even when Nate breaks your heart and you need a shoulder to cry on."
I smile at his choice of words. "Alright. Alright. So what have you been up too? I need to get my mind off of Nate."
As Justin and I talk and laugh I seen the sun slowly go down. Glancing at the clock it says 8:15pm. I wonder why no one came and got me for dinner. Asking if Justin was hungry we made our way downstairs. My dad glances at me then at Justin. Protective dad was coming out.
"You must be Justin that Layla told me about?" My father says sticking his hand out to shake Justin hand
I groan. "Dad please don't Justin is a very close friend of mine."
My dad smiles. "Si mija, pero I just shaking his hand and that's it."
I rolled my eyes dragging Justin away from my dad who is now laughing.
"You can't see her right now! Do you not understand she won't talk to any of us really!" I hear Layla scream more like giving me a warning that Nate is coming in
"Bullshit Layla I see Justin's car here! Why is he even here!? Fuck like don't you know that I'm fucking trying!"
His voice gets closer my dad already blocking the way. I look at him his eyes dark with the shadows of no sleep. I look back at Justin who staring at me.
"Natalie that's why you came over here to act pissed at me just to be fucking him?"
What? How would he even know that Justin was here?
"Nate that's not even true! Who told you he was here? This has been the first time since I cut him off of talking!" I said raising my voice
"It doesn't matter who told me."
"Who told you Nate." I demanded
Nate let's out a shaky breath. His eyes looking more worried then angry now.
"Nate who the hell told you." I repeated
"Shay." He whispers
I drop my plate and then quickly started apologizing to my dad and step mom. Cleaning the mess up I look at Nate.
"For someone who said he wasn't going to speak to her again you sure do love being around her! But you don't want me to have a friendship with Justin. Ugh Nate i swear you are so fucking stupid."
My dad opened his mouth like he was about to say something, but Layla and Laura pulled him away. I made a note to thank them later for that.
Nate walk in more to the kitchen and he looks like complete hell. Justin said goodbye and that he will text me regardless of what's said. I knew that now their friend was over. Over all because of me a girl.
I finally look at Nate fully and the eyes and wished I never did.

Betrayal ***NOW PUBLISHED***जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें