Chapter 27

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The next few days went by great. We went to see my father, Layla, and her mom hanging out as my dad got to know Nate a little more. Justin has barely text me anymore and at this point it's okay. I knew that he would need time to accept that Nate and I have moved in together so I am giving him his space.
Nate also didn't like that I kept in touch with Justin for the simple face that Justin has feelings for me. I tried to explain to Nate that I feel nothing like that to Justin in my point of view Justin is just a friend and I have made that extremely clear to Justin.
Nate didn't say anything else to this.
Work was steady for both jobs. The designer job was extremely good, but sometimes hard because the things I thought was good enough to be brought to life Alyssa my boss didn't think so. Most things she accepted.
"Natalie?" Alyssa says calling me from my thoughts
As I look at this brown hair, green eye beauty who is dressed in just jeans and a T-shirt. I realize how beautiful she really is.
"Yeah Alyssa?" I ask
"Did you draw this?" She asks looking at my binder that I had out during my break
I look down and smile. " it's not anything serious though."
It's just a picture of a dress that I started drawing. The dress is heart shaped going all the way straight down until the hips and starts fluffy out from there was some sparkly things here and there around the dress.
"Girl! This is beautiful! Don't give your talent up. I'm very impressed with all of your work! I should design your clothes into the real world." Alyssa says smiling
I smile back at her not knowing what to say. As I finish helping her out of the fabrics, colors, and the other necessities it was already time to go home.
I clock out walking to my car going home.
I'm finally on my floor walking into my apartment smelling something delicious.
I walk in kicking my shoes off hanging my keys up.
"Nate I'm home." I announced
"Okay dinner almost done you can shower if you like."
I walk into the kitchen seeing he has some sauce in a pot and something else. He kisses me as I kiss him back walking away to take a shower. Once I'm out I dress quickly as I am starving now and going to the kitchen table. Nate is placing my plate in my spot on the table.
Whatever this is it looks amazing. It's noodles covered in sauce with cheese. I took a bite letting the flavors hit my mouth and I wanted more.
"Do you like it babe?" Nate ask curiously
"Yeah! It's really good. What is it? You'll have to cook more often." I laugh
Nate smiles. "It's baked penne rigate. I picked up some stuff from my mother when I was younger." He admits
He barely speaks out loud of his mom. I wonder if it was a touchy subject so I decided to lead with it since he brought her up.
"So um speaking of your what is she like? Can I meet her one day? I would love to thank her for bringing you into this world so I could meet you." I say cautions watching his expression
His face turns into different emotions as we finished our plates. I got his plate taking it to the sink to clean and putting the leftovers in a container in the refrigerator. Nate still hasn't made a move to answer my question so I decided to straighten up the apartment a little bit while turning my music on.
I ever so often would look out the corner of my eyes to look at Nate who is still frozen like in his spot at the table. I know he has always told me his mom worked her ass off for him, but other then that I don't know anything else about her except that she still lives in California. I finish mobbing as my phone started ringing. I look to see who it was and the name on my phone showed Justin.
I answer as I put the mob up going to my room.
"What's wrong?" I automatically said
"You haven't text me back since the night you told me you moved in with Nate. I just wanted to make sure you are okay and wanted to know if you worked tomorrow."
I was thrown off. "You never text me back. I haven't gotten anything from you. I just thought you was upset or something so I was letting you go on your own time. And no I'm off from both jobs for the next five days. I have worked to much over time."
"Is Nate working or what's his plan?"
I hesitated not knowing if he is working tomorrow or not. "Uh I really don't know. Maybe."
The room door opened and Nate walks in.
"Uh I have to go talk later."
I quickly hung up the phone and look at him.
"Who was that?" Nate questions
"Justin." I simply say
His fist balled up as he cursed under his breathe.
"What did he say?" Nate says through clenched teeth
I looked at him questionably not knowing if I should tell him or not. Deciding that I should do it doesn't cause an argument I tell him.
"Did you delete the messages from him?" I say after he never answered
Nate looks straight into my eyes. "Yes I did! I done fucking asked you not to speak to Justin again, but you keep on fucking doing it Natalie! Why!?"
Nate yelling made me jump. I didn't understand where this was coming from or why besides my simple none offensive question.
Nate is pulling his hair then looks at something. He walks over to our desk grabbing my favorite lamp that's grayish with angel wings throwing it against the wall.
I yelped as some of the glass bounce back cutting me against my arm. My arm is already bleeding. As the tears silently escaped my eyes I walk to the bathroom locking the door.
"Fuck!" He screams
I jump again, but realize he can't come in here unless he breaks the door again.

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