Chapter 31

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I look at my mother who cautiously walks over near me. I hold my hand up. I needed a moment to catch my breath to hear myself thinking. I knew what my dad said was right. To forgive, but not forget. Can I really do that so easily? I already knew the answer I just couldn't come to terms with it. I have missed my mother so much.
I let my hand drop within seconds I'm in my moms arm brace. Her cries made my stomach uneasy. The apologies, the tears, my moms hurt; I could tell she has suffered more then I did. The guilt hit me. I shouldn't feel guilty, but I do.
My dad smiles, but soon enough starts throwing up again and I get the bucket for him calling the nurse.
As the nurse takes care of my dad my mother starts filling me in about her life after we stopped talking. She has begun to date this guy name Jacob who makes her smile just talking about him. I was honestly happy for my mom of finding love again. Also she asked me about selling my childhood home to be closer here since this is where Jacob lives. I told my mom I couldn't wait to meet this Jacob and go from there.
As I told my dad goodbye so he could rest my mom walks out with me. Nate sees her and automatically gets protective. My mom walks ahead of me to Nate.
"Nate I am truly sorry for how I treated you. I hope maybe one day you will allow me to know you better and build a bond." My mom says
Nate looks at my mom with wide eyes and then looks at me. I take his hand and gently squeeze because I know something smart wants to come out of his mouth.
That's all Nate said is okay. I knew how he hated this, but I want to try to rebuild my relationship with my mother. I told everyone bye as we left to go home. Nate has been silent since my mom apologize it made me wonder even more so what's going through his head.
I touched his hand softly and he pulls away. What the heck?
"Nate?" I whispered hearing the hurting in my own voice
He didn't say a word as he pulled into his usual spot. I got out walking inside and up the stairs to our apartment. Once I was inside I took my shoes off lining them up perfectly and going straight to our room shut and locking the door.
I have no idea why he is acting this way, but it hurt me. Everything seemed fine except that he's been going distant.
"Natalie? Open the door." Nate says trying to open the door
I ignored him to the best I could until he started pounding.
"Damn it Natalie open the door."
I got up opening the door turning my back to him. I'm not even in the mood to argue with him.
I flopped on the bed waiting for his explanation. Nothing came except his phone constantly buzzing.
"Who the hell is constantly blowing your phone up?"
He looks at the screen ignoring whoever it was.

Betrayal ***NOW PUBLISHED***Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant