Chapter 19

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As Nate drove to my dads house following the instructions from gps I kept fumbling my hands over and over again. I wanted to back out at least ten times already, but Nate wouldn't let me. I noticed we are near the rich big fancy houses. As I began to look I suddenly realized my dad lives over in this area.
Soon enough we pulled up to a two story home. Rich and very nice. I didn't come to get my fathers money, but I wanted to know why he didn't have anything to do with me. My father house is a tanish color with stone from what I could tell. The front porch light was on and the driveway is long, but not to long. The grass was freshly cut even with the plants trimmed.
Nate opened my door and I got to actually see what the house is like besides the tint of his windows. The stairs that leads to the door is small and stone. We got to the front door and Nate knocked for me.
When the door opened I seen Layla. She hugged me and flared at Nate. He chuckles as I shake my head.
"My mom is in the kitchen finishing dinner and your dad is upstairs I believe. Mom! Damian! Natalie is here!"
Layla mother come around the corner and she is beautiful. She has green eyes, blonde hair and her complexion went great with her hair.
"Oh Natalie thank you so much for coming! I hope you enjoy the food I am cooking lasagna and for desert I am making a Boston cream pie."
Her mother voice is soft and angel like. I can tell she is very sweet.
"Oh Um thanks for welcoming us into your home. It smells really good in here." I said after a few seconds of composing myself. "I'm not sure what to call you. I'm sorry."
"Oh honey don't apologize you can call me by my name which is Laura." She said smiling again
I smiled back and watch after her as she left to go finish her dinner for us to all eat.
"Oh mija te ves tan hermosa. Gracias por venir y quien es este? Damian said in Spanish
"Damian you met him the other day remember this is Nate."
Once I said his name instead of dad or "papi" I could see the hurt behind his eyes as he quickly recovered.
"Oh yes that's right. Hey Nate thanks for coming." He said shaking Nates hand
"Okay every take your place at the dinner table please!" Laura called out
Nate took my hand in his rubbing the back of it. I half smiled at him and followed Layla to the dinning room. Damian took his sit at the top of the table what they consider head of the table Layla is on his left and Laura is on his right. Nate and I sat beside Layla as the food got passed around. A few minutes went by and I had my plate half way finished.
"So Natalie what are you studying for in college?" Laura asks me
I wipe my mouth and then spoke. "I'm studying to be a designer. I love making clothes well drawing them and having it come to light."
Laura smiles. "That's really interesting. I hope you come around more often so I can see your work."
I thanked her and the conversations ended awkwardly. Layla looked at me and I did a small smile. This was weird for me. It was a lot to take in too.
My father moved on in life without me without even trying to fight to see me or to keep me in his life. That pain hurt and I had agreed along time ago to never try with this man, but here I am sitting in his house at his dinning room table eating. I felt like throwing up, but I knew it was just my nerves and...and the hurt coming out.
"Natalie are you okay?" Nate whispers
I nod my head yes, but he didn't seem to object my lie right now either.
"Natalie remember when you was a little girl and you would always beg me to dance around the living room with you? That time was so cute. You would always come saying "papi dance."
I smiled as tears stung my eyes. It was a small memory that I tried to hang on of my dad right before he walked out choosing the drugs over us...over me. The anger I now felt was hard to contain I wanted to scream and yell, but I didn't want to disrespect my father either. Before I realize it my mouth was opening and words started to form.
"How could you even bring that up? How could you choose drugs over mom and me especially me! I suffered the lost of knowing what a dad is. I was the one who got bullied because I had a single mother that worked her ass off just to pay bills and for my schooling. I had to get a fucking job at sixteen years old! I should have been hanging out with my friends not worried about anything, but there I was stressing that I wasn't going to make it into this school of my dreams. You don't get to relive the happy moments before you walked out leaving me at the door screaming and crying for you! So don't sit here while Layla and Laura gets the better clean you and try to make this a happy ending because nothing about this is happy! You hurt me a great fucking deal and you didn't seem to care...-" I paused catching my breathe and started again. "You never try to come back for me. And that's one thing I don't understand you call me your princesa, the only love of your life. But that isn't the case you moved on forgetting me!! Laura I am sorry to be disrespectful to you and Layla. I mean no harm at all please forgive me." I say finally looking at them through the tears pouring down my face.
Layla took my hand and Laura kept saying it was okay that it's better to get it out then holding it in which had me crying so much more for ruining dinner. Layla looked at Nate and then I was being held by him going into the back yard.
He let me cry for what seemed like hours on his shoulder. Once I finished I could do nothing, but stare out in the night skies.

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