Nothing Remains (Episode 26)

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(Chapter 2 Beginning)

Minutes after the horrific massacre took place, sirens were heard and the rain poured down harder as little Caspian just stood there, completely devastated and confused. The mixture of blood and puke all over his shirt slowly washed off from the rain, but it left a permanent stain and smell on his shirt.

Two hours later, little Caspian was taken to the nearest police station. The officers repeatedly asked, "What the hell did you do kid?!" in a serious tone. But, Caspian never answered. He couldn't answer. The only thing he saw in his head was the look of his mother's horrified, lifeless expression of her severed head. All of a sudden, Caspian's father busted through the door of the police station. In an instant, Caspian's pain slightly faded for a brief second as he got up to run to his father.

But then, Caspian was greeted with a punch to the face, and his father was the one who delivered the strike. "Get the fuck away from me you freak!" His dad screamed. The cops instantly got up out of their seats and grabbed his father. Caspian's face was bruised and swollen at this point. He tried to get back up, but his brain was completely rattled. "!!" Caspian cried. But his father was didn't care as he was fuming with rage. "You're not my son you piece of shit!!" He replied.

Suddenly, Caspian's eyes opened wide, and his heart stopped. In that moment, his emotions broke him, and what followed was a bloody wave of dust, killing the officers and Caspian's father. But the wave didn't stop there. It rapidly got worst as Caspian's tears flooded his face. At this point, half of the entire police station was dusted. Officer's immediately ran out from the back to stop Caspian, but it was no use, as it would only lead to their deaths. Finally, an officer managed to electrify Caspian and put his body in a paralyzed state. And that's where the flashback ended. Everything had gone white...

When Caspian opened his eyes, he looked down and smirked. "What the hell are you smiling for you little bastard! I'm torturing you to death!" Vincent yelled in frustration. "Fuck you" Caspian said with a smile on his face. Vicente gritted his teeth, walked off, and turned back charging towards Caspian at full speed, pulling a knife from his chest. "YOU GOT A MOUTH ON YOU HUH LITTLE SHIT?!?!" Vincent shouted.

Out of nowhere, the chair Caspian was chained to turned to dust along with the chains. As soon as he was free, Caspian bolted towards Vincent with the knives in his wounds all turning to dust. Eagerly running towards Caspian, Vincent rapidly summoned blades from his body that flew at Caspian, but it was no use. Every single blade coming towards Caspian was turned to instant dust. "Damn it!!! DIE!!!!!" Vincent screamed at the top of his lungs as a wave of hundreds of knives flew out of his body as the holes in his skin bled. And Caspian just kept dusting through them all, running towards Vincent like an uncaged animal. Even the knives that managed to still strike him didn't stop Caspian. Before Vincent knew it, he had ran past Caspian, but when he looked down, he saw his body was already quickly being turned to dust. And just like that, it was over. Nothing of Vincent remained...

Suddenly, Caspian awoken from his nightmare, only to see that his handcuffs were turned to dust. "Ha. Ha ha. Ha ha ha ha!! HA!!! HA!!! HA!!! HA!!! HA!!!" Caspian laughed maniacally. Tears formed in his eyes from laughter.

Eventually, the real Vincent woke up and yelled, "What the hell did I tell you!! Now you're going to die!! And your friend Zackaria can't save you now!!!" "Who?" Caspian questioned with an emotionless expression, his eyes still covered by his hair. This only angered Vincent more, as he jumped down from the top bunk and ran at Caspian. But Caspian did not move. For a split second, Vincent's eyes were blinded by a bright light. The brightest light he'd ever seen in his entire life. And once the light faded from his eyes, blood spilled out of his mouth like a fountain. With a terrified chill in his bones, he glanced down, only to see Caspian's hand through his chest. And with the largest and creepiest smile he's ever made, Caspian said, "I thought about dusting your entire body in an instant, but I'd rather have you go out suffering and in the worst pain possible." Caspian then proceeded to pull his hand out of Vincent's chest, and watched his body drop onto the floor. Without any hesitation, he dusted through his cell and charged down the prison hallway with the intent to dust anything in his path.

From the other side of the prison, Zackaria was smirking in his cell. "I knew it" Zackaria said to himself. Nothing but screams were heard outside of his cell door. It was on that night, where Caspian escaped from the prison, leaving nothing but blood and dust in his trail.

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