Climax (Episode 9)

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Suddenly, the boy bolted at Brian with his dust covered left hand out. "Whatever that villian did to that guy has something to do with his hands, I can't let him touch me, Timothy, or Jessica," Brian thought to himself.

Quickly, Brian planted a second sticky bomb on the ground, grabbed his friends, and jumped out the way. When the sticky bomb went off, it sent the boy back once more. At this point, half of the arcade was already wrecked and full of smoke. Brian, sweating and breathing heavily, said, "He's not getting up from that again!" Jessica, still shaken, replied, "I sure hope so." Brian took off his glasses and jacket, using it to wipe the sweat off his face. "I called the cops, so they'll be here anytime to arrest this guy." Timothy walked up to Brian and asked, "Are you okay? Sorry, I got so sca...."

Before Timothy could finish his sentence, they saw the boy slowly beginning to stand back up again. Brian asked himself, "How the hell!?" Covered in sweat with blood dripping down his forehead, the boy yelled, "If you think those so called half-assed explosions can keep me down, you've got another thing coming bastard!"

As he charged at Brian once more, Brian swiftly planted another sticky bomb on the ground, but the boy was ready for it this time. As the bomb went off, instead of hesitating, the boy jumped into/over the explosion, sending him flying forward towards the three of them. Despite his crucial injuries from the explosions, the boy was still determined to end them. In a split second, Brian quickly dodged back to avoid the boy's mid air grasp, summoned a sticky bomb, and attached it to the boy's hand. Milliseconds later, the sticky bomb went off, launching the boy crashing into the ceiling, and sending Brian crashing into the hard checkered floor. The explosion was so strong it also sent Timothy and Jessica flying into the right wall of the arcade, both losing consciousness upon collision for a few seconds.

Opening her eyes, through all the smoke, Jessica faintly saw the boy's barely conscious body fall from the ceiling onto the ground. Jessica thought to herself, "Now's my chance," and ran to the exposed dirt spot of the floor caused by Brian's explosions. Taking off her one of her black gloves, she placed her right hand onto the small exposed dirt area in the floor. All of sudden, large vines began to grow out of the small exposed area, quickly growing longer and longer. Eventually, the vines wrapped around the boy's unconscious body, capturing him. "I got him!" Jessica yelled. With that, Brian and Timothy regained consciousness and the smoke cleared. "Thank god. If he would've been any faster, I would've been done for," Brian replied as blood was leaking from his head. Timothy hadn't stood back up yet as his head was still spinning from the crash.

Before they could all take a breath, Timothy slightly looked up and yelled, "Watch out!" The boy had turned the vines around him to dust and was heading right for Jessica. Brian quickly jumped out in front of her and planted a fifth sticky bomb. He then swiftly grabbed her and jumped out of the way as the bomb went off. This time, blinded by blood, the boy caught every part of the explosion. Brian, Jessica, and Timothy all just watched nervously as the smoke cleared.

The boy was on his knees and his clothes were shredded. He was also breathing heavy as his skin was sizzling and bleeding. Brian yelled, "Stay down if you know what's good for you damn it!" The boy smirked and yelled back, "I'm not going to quit until you're all nothing but white ashes!" Before anymore action went on, a small group of cops and pro heroes showed up. They immediately kicked open the doors, and quickly tackled the injured boy. Knocking him out and handcuffing him in the process. Timothy couldn't be anymore relieved.

One of the cops took out his walkie talkie and said, "Don't worry chief, It's just that brat Caspian again. This time, it looks like he committed a serious crime." Timothy stood up and curiously said, "Caspian?" The cop replied, "This boy right here." The other cop followed up by saying, "Even though he's only 15, he's been causing minor havoc all around the city. But everytime we end up making it to the scene where the crime happened, he always manages to escape. But this time, we finally caught him. And it's all thanks to you kids. But next time, try not to get involved. We don't want y'all getting hurt." Timothy, Jessica, and Brian all nodded with their injuries. Afterwards, the cops placed Caspian's unconscious body into the police car and locked the door. Investigators and paramedics came later to investigate the crime scene and take the people who have been injured to the nearby hospital.

Overall, one bystander was killed and Timothy, Jessica, and Brian all returned home relatively unharmed despite their minor injuries. A little after the scene took place, the cops began driving to the police station with Caspian in the backseat of the car.

Eventually, Caspian regained consciousness and quickly turned his handcuffs to dust. Caspian then dusted through the back window of the cop car. Before the cops could react, Caspian had already dusted through the officer in the driver's seat, grabbed the front wheel of the car and swerved it off of the highway into the waters under the bridge below.

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