The Night (Episode 1)

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(Chapter 1 Beginning)

It was a dark and quite night when it happened. It took place in the mansion on the old hill in Moonshine City. Lucas was trying to sleep through his tears while his mother was nearly being beaten to death by his father. He couldn't fight his father back since his father had one of the most deadliest powers in the world.

His father had the power to reap the soul from someone's body using his deadly scythe. His father had been alive for hundreds of years, terrorizing humanity for decades. His father was immortal. He had used Lucas's mother so that he could make Lucas. His mother couldn't escape his father or she'd be killed. Lucas couldn't escape either since he didn't know how to use his powers at the time. But even if he could, he would never leave his mother behind.

Lucas's mother is the only person who had ever cared for Lucas in his life. He was afraid of his father. Suddenly, Lucas's mother had came into his room and saw Lucas crying on his bed. She went up to Lucas and hugged him tightly while tears fell from her eyes. She smiled and said,"It's gonna be okay Lucas. No matter what happens to me, I'll always make sure you're safe. Lucas had began shaking as tears fell from his eyes and cried, ", don't go back down there!" She teared up more and said, "I have to Lucas, you know how he gets." As they were talking, Lucas's cat Smokey hopped up onto his bed and curled up onto his lap. Lucas and his mother both smiled at each other. Lucas's mother said,"One day, we'll get away from here and get a small house just for us, okay?" Lucas wiped his tears and nodded with a smile.

Immediately after she had smiled back, Lucas's father kicked down his bedroom door and grabbed his mother by the wrist. His father asked, "What is your purpose of being up here my beautiful wife? Why are you not doing what I politely told you to do?" He pushed Lucas's mother into the wall, slightly breaking it. Lucas yelled, "DAD STOP IT!!!" His father turned around and said, "Was that you Lucas? It seems I must teach you not to backtalk." He began walking towards Lucas. Lucas was shaking in terror. Suddenly, his mother grabbed his father and said, "Please, don't hurt him. He's hurt enough as it is." His father said, "Let me go women, you served your purpose in making my son, my vessel. I merely keep you as a pet. I could throw you away anytime." But, she did not let go. With tears in her eyes, she said, "I won't let you hurt my baby anymore..."

Before Lucas could say anything, choked up by tears, his father summoned his scythe and instantly struck his mother. Her body dropped instantly as she was pale and lifeless. Lucas's heart stopped instantly. His father turned at him and said, "What a shame." His father then walked out of the mansion wearing his dark black cloak to blend into the silent night, never to be seen by Lucas again. Lucas barely lifted up his dead mother's body and began crying, nearly having a panic attack. His father was nowhere to be found after that. Ever since that night, Lucas had vowed to get revenge on his father and make him pay for everything he has done......

 Ever since that night, Lucas had vowed to get revenge on his father and make him pay for everything he has done

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(Picture of Lucas) (Current)

(Picture of Lucas) (Current)

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(Picture of Smokey)

(Picture of Moonshine City)

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(Picture of Moonshine City)

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