Determination (Episode 70)

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Now finished using the bathroom, Timothy and Lucas washed their hands beside each other at two of the sinks. The wide mirror in front of them reflected both their empty expressions at the moment.

They had not spoken a word to each other since the conversation relating to their upcoming match.

After rinsing off his hands, Lucas held both his palms under the hot air dryer. As the loud sound of the dryer had gone off, Lucas turned to his right to glance over at Timothy, who remained in front of the sink.

Leaning over with his head down, Timothy's damp hands stayed gripped on the edge of the sink. His bright, golden hair covered his eyes, but his frown gave away his current mood.

"I will be heading back to the gym now," Lucas said, expressing a bit of concern. "I'll see ya," Timothy said back in a deflated tone of voice.

Hesitantly, Lucas opened the bathroom door and slowly stepped out. After the door shut behind him, Timothy listened carefully to Lucas's footsteps out in the hallway, waiting until he was gone.

Timothy was now alone. Realizing that, he felt his steady breathing slowly becoming more erratic. As his breaths grew faster, he felt a lumpy feeling beginning to make itself known in his throat.

All his pent up frustration was rapidly spewing at once. The feeling only grew worse after realizing he forgot his inhaler at home. The internal anger was beginning to build so immensely that some of it started to release in the form of power, illuminating his body.

Tears were now building in his eyes from the immense self hatred. His right fist balled, then tightened. All Timothy's strength was focused on balling his fist to release the stress, but it was no use. He could not get any satisfaction.

Hyperventilating, Timothy freaked out entirely. Unable to catch his breath, he let out a loud gutteral wail, before blindly smashing his fist into the bathroom mirror.

The moment his fist made contact with the glass, a bright flash of light consumed the entire bathroom.

When the light dissipated, Timothy was on his hands and knees, breathing heavily. Shards of shattered glass were scattered across the hard tiled floor around him.

Timothy's panic attack had simmered down. Though his heart calmed, his face stayed bright red and tears kept dripping from his closed shut eyes. His ears had started to ring.

Remaining in the same position, Timothy opened his watery eyes, only to be met with the sight of the bathroom floor.

Before he could process his emotions, his eyes caught something odd. The shattered glass shards around him had strangely started levitating off of the floor, seemingly by themselves.

Picking up his head, his eyes followed the levitating glass. Looking up, Timothy saw Mr. Jason, leaning against the sink with one hand in his pocket and the other held in front of the broken mirror.

Embarrassed, Timothy quickly scurried to his feet. He immediately tried to muster a response. "Oh, hey, uh, I didn't see you come in, ha ha. Oh, I'm sorry about the mirror it was..."

After a few seconds of trying to explain himself, Timothy swiftly noticed that Mr. Jason wasn't paying any mind to him.

Instead, he was focused on repairing the restroom mirror. Despite being overwhelmed by a cloud of negative emotions, Timothy couldn't help but feel slightly amazed watching the hundreds of broken glass shards return to the mirror frame.

"You're welcome. I just saved you a $10, 000 fine followed by an immediate expulsion," Mr. Jason gravely stated.

Taking a deep breath, Timothy replied, "Thank you sir. I'm so sorry-" "You're fine. More importantly, are you alright? Your right arm is still glowing by the way," Mr Jason interrupted.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2023 ⏰

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