Brother Clash (Episode 59)

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Almost an hour had gone by since Jessica's match. It was now about one in the afternoon, and it seemed to have stopped snowing momentarily. Though, the sky stayed white, and the atmosphere remained cold outside the field.

Brian, Timothy, and Lucas still have yet to have their turn. The hour that passed was full of other participants dishing it out with one another. A ton of different and unique powers colliding was a special sight to witness, match after match.

Brian, Jessica, and Timothy were amazed at each and every match that followed after the last. Maxwell was still salty over his loss to Gideon, but he was overall enjoying the matches as well. However...

Lucas still stayed seated behind the four of them with his arms crossed and a shadow over his eyes. He had not said a word. The only word that kept playing in his mind was the name, "Derrick", on loop.

On a constant repeat, that boy's name kept echoing inside of Lucas's mind. The boy from the gang who stiff-armed Timothy.

Anytime Lucas did eventually gaze up, all he stared at was Derrick, who he spotted sitting on the other side of the stadium with his group of friends, laughing and joking. Everything else going on around Lucas was drowned out by his fixation on Derrick, including his own friends.

"Bethany is the winner of this match!"

Hearing the announcers voice, it erased Derrick from Lucas's mind for a split millisecond. But then, it clicked. A very simple realization, expressed across Lucas's face, making him grin, deviously.

A malicious scheme had entered Lucas's brain. Something he felt was a necessity. The only way to break the anger driven obsession.

In that moment, while the others were cheering and distracted by the match finish, Lucas vanished using his invisibility. He left zero trace behind.

Meanwhile, Timothy and Brian were out of their seats, shaking each other out of hype and excitement. Chilling in her seat, Jessica looked over to them and said, "You two may wanna save that energy for your matches."

Maxwell stood up from his seat and posed valiantly. He then replied out loud, "Nonsense! Anybody as great as I has only the most almighty and unlimited supply of energy! Brian and Timothy shall be just fine!"

Jessica glanced over to Maxwell and replied, "I don't doubt that. But really, you guys should chill a little. Like Lucas over here. Right Lucas?" She then turned around, only to see that he was nowhere to be found.

"What the?", she questioned in her head, pondering where he had gone. Timothy, Brian, and Maxwell all turned around too, seeing that Lucas wasn't there.

"Maybe he went use the bathroom," Brian said to the others. However, Timothy felt a knot grow in his stomach almost instantly. He had a strong feeling he knew exactly where Lucas may have been heading. "Guys! Stay here! I'm gonna go find h-"

"Onto our next match! Timothy Rivera, please enter the field!"

Timothy had stopped in his tracks, freezing immediately. His eyes widened with surprise. Huge smiles began to grow across Brian and Jessica's faces. "TIMOTHY!", they both shouted simultaneously, excitedly running over to him. They lifted him into their arms and hugged onto him tightly.

Though he was worried about Lucas, Timothy couldn't help but smile with his friends. It was finally his turn, and his chance to prove himself. His chance to redeem himself in front of the teachers from the first round.

After the hug, Jessica put her hand over her mouth and said, "Omg I'm literally about to cry! My little bro!" She then went up and hugged him once more, making him blush.

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