Prom Night (Episode 39)

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Eleven years ago.....

It was early January, meaning the senior prom at Echo Valley Highschool was taking place at 6:00 p.m. tomorrow evening. Skyler Clark, a student who attended the school, was only looking forward to tomorrow's prom for one reason and one reason only. And that reason, was for the free food being served there.

(Echo Valley City)

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(Echo Valley City)

(Picture of Skyler)

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(Picture of Skyler)

Skyler, age eighteen, was currently in debt. He lived in a small apartment room, where he barely ever had food. Working as a window cashier, anytime he had saved up the cash from his small paycheck for groceries, his monthly bills and rent fees would need to be paid, leaving him with just enough cash for a box of instant noodles. The fast food job he had worked at only paid $7.25 an hour, leaving him partially broke after paying his bills. The reasoning behind his tough living conditions was the cause of his parents being arrested a couple of months beforehand.

After losing their jobs and becoming bankrupt, his parents resorted to a life of crime in order to make a living for them and their child. Knowing that they would one day eventually get caught for their robbery, theft, and shoplifting, they made sure to leave their eighteen year old son with the last of their savings so that he could make a living for himself atleast.

So, due do these conditions, Skyler majorly depended on his school lunches to keep him fed during the weekdays, leaving the noodles for him to eat on the weekends. "Man, tomorrow at that prom, I'm gonna eat 'til I pass out," Skyler thought to himself as he was lying on his floor mattress, staring optimistically up at the ceiling. This was one of the rare occasions where Skyler was actually happy. That night, he went to bed with a smile.

The next day following school, Skyler speed walked back to his apartment excitedly for the upcoming prom. Immediately after getting back home, he got dressed up as best he could, polished his shoes with old rags, and slicked back his dark, grey hair before putting his dad's fedora on. He took so long getting ready that by time he was done, it was just about prom time.

Soon after, he left his apartment and made his way back to school for prom. Trying his best to look cool, Skyler kept his hands tucked in his pockets and wore a stern face as he walked to the school. By time he got there, it was already pretty dark due to daylight savings time. But that only added to the experience. At the entrance of the school, there were purple spotlights blaring and a large banner above the entrance doors about the prom. Highschool students outside the school were all dressed up in fancy suits and dresses.

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