Still Standing (Episode 44)

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The sun beamed early the next morning. Specifically shining through the window of Room 317 at the Moonshine City main hospital. That happened to be the room Brian spent the night in. The sun hitting his face had awakened him.

"Woahhh. I'm not dead," Brian said to himself, fully opening his eyes. He looked down and saw his body covered in bandages. There were also bandages wrapped around his forehead. He felt for his glasses, but quickly remembered he lost them in the fight.  

"BRIAN!", shouted two voices collectively from a close distance. Right after hearing the voices, Brian smiled reassuringly. Timothy and Jessica then excitedly ran into the room, hugging Brian from each side of his bed. "Love you guys too," Brian said with a joyous, soft smile.

Right after though, Timothy's mother and both of Jessica's parents had walked into the room. But, unlike Jessica and Timothy, everyone else did not have a happy look on their faces. They felt grateful on the inside that Brian had woken up, but they clearly had something else on their minds to say. Timothy's mom (Mrs. Rivera) sat down on one of the chairs in the room and closed her eyes, preparing to speak.

"Look, I'm really sorry, but..." She then paused before continuing, "You guys will not be becoming heroes, " Mrs. Rivera announced in a serious tone. Instantly, the life had drained from all three of their faces. "Wait! Mom what!? What are you talking ab-" "Our decision is final!", yelled Jessica's dad, cutting Timothy off.

Jessica's mother continued their statement by saying, "I'm sorry but, ever since you guys ran into those bad people that night with the ghost boy, it's like y'all have been in constant life or death situations. As parents, we all have been worried to death way too many times, and you guys aren't even pros yet. I'm sorry, but our decision is final."

(Picture of Jessica's mom)

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(Picture of Jessica's mom)

(Picture of Jessica's dad)

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(Picture of Jessica's dad)

Clenching her teeth, Jessica walked forward towards her mom, breathing deeply to keep her composure. "Mom! You guys c'mon! You all should've known the responsibility and danger we had to face when we chose this as our career path. Experiencing things like this early is good so that we're more prepared for next time, " exclaimed Jessica.

"There won't be a next time," Mrs. Rivera said loudly with an angry expression. A disheartened look showed on Jessica's face as Timothy's lip quivered. "Jessica, Brian. You both went up against that dangerous kid at the arcade! My son nearly got killed at the hands of a wanted villain duo! And now this!? Kidnapped by a criminal so dangerous that the number 8 hero in our nation had to save you guys!" Mrs. Rivera's eyes then started to water. "You guys know what happened to Javier, so please, please-" "Don't!", exclaimed Brian, cutting her off.

Sitting up in his hospital bed, Brian continued, "I apologize for raising my voice, but don't bring up Javier's name if you clearly don't know anything about him!" Mrs. Rivera raised her eyebrow and replied, "Excuse me?"

"Brian! Watch how you're talking to adults. Learn some respect boy," said Jessica's dad with an angry tone of voice. Brian clenched his bruised fist, and said, "Javier would've wanted for us to be heroes. And y'know what? Jessica's right. You all knew what we were getting into when we told you we were becoming heroes, and you all accepted that. So, what? Gonna go back on your words because reality is hitting you all? Look, I'm sorry we've worried you, but y'know what?"

Suddenly, Brian got up off the bed as he bones crackled. He then stood up straight, clenching his fist once more. "I'm still standing! We're still standing! Each of those encounters we came out of alive! Hell, we even stopped some of those bad guys! Jessica and I stopped Caspian! Timothy saved a pro hero's life! That's how each of us got our letters damn it! If that doesn't scream hero, I don't know what will."

Jessica and Timothy then stood side by side with Brian, taking a stance against their parents decision. "Settle down. All of you," said a voice that echoed throughout the room. It was Brian's father, standing in the doorway of the room.

(Picture of Brian's dad)

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(Picture of Brian's dad)

"The kids are right," said Brian's father. All of the parents were suprised. Jessica's dad then stood up and yelled, "What hell are you thinking!? Are you crazy?! How could you-" "Shut the hell up," Brian's dad sighed in annoyance. "What I'm doing, is being a good parent. From what I can see, your all just a bunch of cowards. With what these kids have gone through, these aren't just your kids anymore. These are young adults, choosing their career paths. You think the police officers, firefighters, and the pro heroes out there were coddled their whole lives? Hell no!" Brian's dad then marched into the room, and said out loud, "So grow the hell up!"

All the other adults had gone quiet and looked down to the ground. Mrs. Rivera looked the most stressed, having tears in her eyes. The trio all looked at Brian's dad and smiled, as he gave them a wink back.

"Fine," Mrs. Rivera said out loud, not saying anything else to follow. Both of Jessica's parents looked stunned upon hearing her response, as they began whispering to each other. "Well, we wouldn't want to leave you out then, Jessica. But please," Jessica's mom then ran up to the three of them, hugging them all at once. "Please be safe." "Oww! Hey take it easy I'm still banged up here ha ha", laughed Brian. Timothy, Jessica, and all the other adults began chuckling as well.

Everyone except Mrs. Rivera, who remained silent.....

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