Mother (Episode 50)

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Today marked the first day of June. It was a beautiful Sunday morning. The light glaring through Timothy's window had woken him up. Rubbing his eyes, Timothy slowly sat up, yawning and stretching his arms.

After a few stretches, Timothy left his room and walked to the kitchen to make himself a bowl of cereal. He then thought to himself, "Mom's never home anymore to make breakfast. It feels lonely."

As Timothy sat down in his chair to take his first bite, a knock sounded from his front door. "Ughhh. It's like nine in the morning, what the heck?", Timothy groaned, slowly getting up to answer the door. When he opened the door, Timothy's heart had nearly skipped a beat, when he saw Brian standing on the other side with his hands in his jacket pockets.

"Jeez man, you look like you've seen a ghost. What? Afraid imma throw you again?", Brian said with a smirk across face. Timothy wasn't amused, as he questioned, "So what are you doing here then?"

Putting his hand on his neck, Brian looked to the ground. "Hey man, I'm sorry about yesterday. I was too wrapped up in my emotions. I just wanna enjoy this upcoming summer with my bro and-" "Say no more bro. I apologize as well," said Timothy with a smile, putting out his hand for a fist bump.

In a sudden manner, Brian grabbed Timothy by the wrist and brought him in for a hug instead. "That's my bro," said Brian with a calm smile. For a brief second whilst hugging Timothy, Brian looked to the ground with an expression of guilt, but swiftly brushed it off after the hug.

"So uh, what were you planning on doing today?", questioned Brian. "Jessica and I were planning on meeting up with that Maxwell guy I was telling you about yesterday. I think he wanted to train with us today", replied Timothy.

Brian then facepalmed and said, "Oh no. That guy sounded like a narcissistic weirdo though based on what you told me yesterday. Well, ego or not, he got the letter to back it up, so I guess it's cool. Summer training arc time."

Timothy chuckled and replied, "Your darn right it is. But, since we still have a few hours until then, after I'm done with breakfast, wanna finish Ice Emblem 3?" Brian's face then lit up as he replied, "Do I?!", as he then excitedly followed Timothy inside.

After beating Ice Emblem 3, a couple of hours later, the two met up with Jessica. The trio then headed to the Moonshine City Park. As soon as the three of them arrived, there they saw Maxwell. He was standing by the statue with his arms crossed, tapping his feet impatiently. He looked annoyed as he looked down at the watch on his wrist. Seeing him, they made their way over to him as Brian sighed in his head, "Oh brother..."

When Maxwell saw them, he immediately scolded them. "You people are approximately two minutes late. Not the sort of performance I'd expect out of people who desire second place. And not to mention you brought a complete stranger with yous," Maxwell nagged.

Brian rolled his eyes and replied, "Nice to meet you too. The name's Brian." Maxwell then adjusted his glasses and announced, "Apologies for my non proper introduction. For I am the great and almighty Maxwell. The sexy, beasty, future number one hero." He then stood proudly as his cape blew dramatically in the sudden winds.

"Cool, well uh, let's get training," said Brian readying himself. Jessica and Timothy readied themselves as well.
Suddenly, Maxwell put his hand out, aggressively pointing at them. He loudly declared, "Halt! Since I, the great and almighty Maxwell is the trainer, I shall announce when we begin."

After finishing his sentence, Maxwell quickly grew to be the same size as the statue, which was about 15 feet high. "Which is now!", the giant Maxwell shouted. The trio then shrugged as they all activated their powers. "Let's go," said Brian looking determined. "Right," replied Jessica with a determined look as well. "Yeah," said Timothy before the three of them rushed at Maxwell.

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