A Friend (Episode 3)

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Lucas said, "Thank you for your kindness Timothy. My entire life has been nothing but despair and misery. I want to change the way I am, but I believe I cannot do that. And I can't discuss my intentions to why I can't."

Timothy walked up put his hand on Lucas's shoulder and said, "Be who you are and say what you feel. Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future. But you have the power to change the future and become a great person. I know you can." Timothy then gave Lucas a kind smile.

Timothy's smile reminded Lucas so much of his mother's smile. He nearly shed a tear, having to cover his eyes to prevent himself from doing so. Timothy said, "It's okay to cry. But if you cry, I may begin crying as well ha ha." Lucas gave Timothy a broken smile.

Timothy asked, "Hey, do you wanna be friends?" Lucas's face turned to surprise. Lucas said, "No one's ever asked me that before. You really wouldn't mind being friends with a worthless human being like me?" Timothy replied, "You're not worthless. If anything, I'm the one who's worthless. But you're a kind person and I want someone like you in my life."

Lucas didn't know what to say. Timothy smiled and said, "If you want, I'll come by tomorrow and I'll show you around the city and help you interact with people." Lucas asked,"You'd really do that for me?" Timothy said, "Sure! But I should get home for now. It's really dark out." Lucas said, "How will you be able to get home in the dark?"

Suddenly, Timothy's body began lighting up brightly like a star. Lucas was stunned. Timothy said, "Don't worry, my body helps me see in the dark. I'll see you tomorrow new friend!" Lucas waved his hand goodbye as he shut his door for the night.

Lucas walked back into his library and pulled out his journal. He sat in his chair and opened up to a blank page. Smokey jumped onto Lucas's lap as he began writing. He wrote, "Today has been one of the best days of my entire life. A boy named Timothy had offered to be my friend and gave me inspiring hope for the future of  my life. Tomorrow will be my first step out in the real world as a real person again." As Lucas was writing, he thought of his father and began shaking. He finished off the rest of the journal entry by writing, "But no matter how much Timothy and I try to change my future, one thing will never change. One day, I will find my father and he will pay."

(Portrait of Lucas's Father)

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(Portrait of Lucas's Father)

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