True Bond (Episode 10)

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Once Timothy had finally arrived back at home later that night, he began tearing up. His mother saw him as soon as he walked in and asked, "What's wrong Timothy?" He wiped the tears from his eyes and said, "I hate myself. My power is useless. I'm a horrible friend. And I'll never be a hero." Timothy's mom looked at him with a stunned expression and said, "Don't say that about yourself sweetheart. You're the best son a mother can ask for. You're such a kind hearted boy all the time, so it breaks my heart to hear you saying these awful things about yourself lately."

Timothy looked down and clenched his fist. He felt like he was worthless. He ran up the stairs into his room and slammed the door before his mom could say another word. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Timothy's mom answered. It was Brian at the door. "Oh hello Brian. You may not want to talk to Timothy right now. He's upset about something." Brian replied, "I know, and I feel like I have to." Timothy's mom replied, "Very well." And let Brian inside.

As soon as he got in, he went upstairs to check on Timothy. Brian heard Timothy crying in his room. He walked in and saw Timothy covering his face and tearing up at his desk. Brian said, "Cheer up Tim. It's alright. Jessica and I are fine." Timothy muttered, "'s not that." Brian replied, "Oh? Ohhh, I understand now. Look Timothy, don't feel bad about yourself for not helping. Jessica and I both understand how your power works. Even if you tried to do something, you would've gotten seriously hurt. I told you guys that I'd do everything I can to protect you and Jessica. I care about both of you so much. Hell, I would take a bullet to the brain for you two. You guy's are both like younger siblings to me, and I don't want you guys getting hurt. And if you're thinking about Lucas, just let it go. You can't bring yourself down to help one person. You gotta think about yourself sometimes bro."

Timothy wiped away his tears and said,"Yeah, maybe you're right. I'm sorry about getting you involved with my own personal issues Brian." Brian replied, "It's alright. You can talk to me anytime little bro. By the way, I already asked your mom earlier and she said that I could stay over for the night. I brought my new game (Ice Emblem 3), and my controllers." Timothy smiled, picked up his head, and said, "Thanks, bro."

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