Choose Wisely (Episode 13)

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As soon as Caspian locked eyes with the ghost, he was frozen in fear. Caspian stuttered, "I...I can't b..breathe." Suddenly, the ghost said in the voice of a thousand souls, "" As Caspian looked closer, he realized that the "ghost", was actually a boy.

Without hesitation, Caspian ran up to the boy to quickly dust him. But, Caspian just phased through the boy, dusting through the wall, and back out into the dark hallway. The boy said, "I gave you a chance, so whatever happens next is your own tragic burden." Caspian tried to run away, but his leg was in so much pain that he just fell. The boy was Lucas. He stared down at Caspian as he slowly walked towards him, and as the storm outside grew louder.

Caspian cried, "P...please don't kill me! I...I..I'm sorry!" Lucas replied, "If you truly meant that, you would've left by now." All of a sudden, all of the doll heads began floating out of the darkness of the room they were in as a green glow illuminated off of them. Caspian pleaded and begged frantically as the horrified expression on his face froze.

Before he could move out of the way, Lucas launched the entire collection of floating doll heads at Caspian. Quickly, Caspian lifted his right hand and dusted through all of the doll heads that were flying at him as he quickly stood up and began hopping down the hall on a single leg. He managed to bolt down the rest of the dark hallway in fear, just hoping that he would find the light of the storm from a nearby window.

In a matter of seconds, hundreds of chess pieces and books went flying at Caspian from the darkness behind him. But, Caspian didn't feel any pain due to the massive adrenaline boost of fear. Eventually, Caspian saw a flash of lightning in the distance. He had reached the end of the dark hallway, where the downstairs staircase was visible. As soon as Caspian ran up to the staircase, he tripped down from the top of the stairs, falling the entire way down and onto his face. His entire frontal lobe was a bloody mess along with his left leg. Caspian was dizzy and his head was hurting badly. As he laid at the bottom of the staircase in a pool of blood, he knew that he couldn't even stand. He knew that his life was over.

Eventually, another flash of lightning lit up the mansion. When Caspian barely looked up at the top of the staircase, he saw Lucas's dead expression staring down on him. Caspian stuttered, ", just...finish me......" Lucas looked down and sighed. He looked back up at Caspian from the top of the staircase and said, "Leave now with whatever you have left in that mess of a body, or I'll have to end your life on my terms. This is your final chance to escape."

Suddenly, Lucas's expression changed. He noticed that his cat Smokey was walking up to Caspian. Caspian barely opened his eyes and glanced up at Smokey. At that moment, Caspian smirked and said, "Th..this must be your cat, huh? It'd be a real shame if something bad happened to it." Lucas replied, "You must have a death wish," as he flew down at max speed right towards Caspian. Within a second, Lucas immediately stopped as he noticed Caspian's hand inch closer to Smokey's head. Caspian muttered, "Come any closer, and your cat is dust."

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