Try Outs (Episode 51)

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(Chapter 3 Beginning)

It was the early morning of December 2nd. Equipped with his winter coat, gloves, cargo pants and boots, Timothy sat on his snow filled rooftop. He watched as the sun began to slowly rise over the horizon and above the snowy landscape that was Moonshine City. The snow began glistening from the rising sunlight. As he witnessed the sky slowly become orange, Timothy had suddenly felt his phone begin to buzz in his right pocket. Picking up the call, he instantly said, "Yeah. I'm ready." He then ended the call, putting on a face full of focus and determination. Once seven in the morning had hit, Timothy was out the door....

Timothy met up with Brian at the closest bus stop about twenty minutes later. He was seemed to be wearing his normal clothes, although his jacket was more puffy. As soon as they saw each other, they couldn't hold back their smiles, despite trying to be serious. "So. Think you got what it takes little bro?", asked Brian with a teasing smirk. "Heh, yeah, I'm ready," Timothy replied smirking back, holding out his fist. With that, they both fistbumped each other. Right on cue, the bus was just starting to pull up.

After finding open seats on the back of the bus, they sat down. Although, neither of them could sit still. "Bro, I can't be sitting right now. I'm way too antsy," Brian said to Timothy with excitement. Looking outside the bus window at the snowy landscape, Timothy admired the view, as he replied to Brian, "Same. My heart's pounding like crazy man."

The two of them didn't talk much after that during the bus ride. Besides from occasionally checking their phones, they were really just taking in the moment. The beauty of the morning sun over the snow filled city. Both thinking about what was to come today.

Upon arriving at their stop at the bus station, Brian had instantly spotted Jessica and her parents outside his bus window. They were all bundled up in winter clothing. As he and Timothy stepped off the bus, Brian called out to her, "Hey! Jessica!"

Immediately catching her attention, Jessica's face had brightened with joy after seeing the both of them. With zero hesitation, she darted over to the both of them. "Hey wait up Jessica!", shouted her mom as she and Jessica's father followed behind their daughter.

As she got to them, she wasted no time jumping up and hugging the both of them tightly with a joyful smile on her face. They were stunned for a second by the sudden hug, but Brian and Timothy then smiled, hugging her back. It made Timothy blush a bit.

"Love you guys," said Jessica as she released them from the tight grasp of her hug. "Let's do this dudes!", she exclaimed looking determined, having her fist balled high in the air. "Hell yeah!", both Timothy and Brian yelled back in sync with their fists raised as well.

"You kids better be taking this seriously," Jessica's father scolded, looking annoyed with his arms crossed. "Come on Randy, lighten up. They're just excited. After all, It'll get them warmed up," said Jessica's mother, putting her hand on her husband's shoulder. Randy's expression had changed from an annoyed expression to an expression of concern and slight guilt.

Seeing his expression change, Jessica said to her father, "Don't worry dad. We're totally taking this seriously. It's what we've been working hard for all summer dude." Randy then smiled at his daughter, as she smiled back.

"Alright, alright. Well, we ought to get going, since we're driving you kids the rest of the way," said Randy. "No rush sir. We still got about two hours until tryouts begin anyways," replied Brian, looking at the time on his phone.

"Was planning on stopping by the diner for some breakfast before tryouts after all" said Randy with a calming smile on his face. Timothy, Brian, and Jessica all rejoiced in unison.

About five minutes later, everyone got into Jessica's parent's car, which was covered in snow. Timothy was sitting in between both Brian and Jessica in the backseat of the car. He blushed brightly when he and Jessica's thighs touched. Quickly, while Jessica was looking out the window, Timothy pulled out his phone.

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