Aftermath (Episode 38)

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About fifteen minutes later, police, heroes, firefighters, and ambulances all arrived in the aftermath of the chaos that had just ensued. Brian was attended to immediately following the arrival of the paramedics. Timothy and Jessica explained everything they knew to the authorities about what had occurred that evening as they were treated for their minor wounds as well. "You kids are strong, incredible even. That fact you all made it through that mess and came out alive. We're going to let your parents know about this incident, and your bravery. As far as your safety is concerned, we recommend you stay indoors for now until we fully investigate everyone involved in the case and capture the main suspect. We'll update your families on any future information," an officer explained to them, wearing a proud expression on his face.

While that was happening, firefighters began to quickly put out the flames from the car explosion, taking care of it immediately. Meanwhile, Pokerolli dragged the three, chained up, black suited criminals over to the police. "Oh? Don't struggle now. It is arousing!", Pokerolli loudly groaned whilst licking his lips at the criminals.

After being questioned by the police, Timothy and Jessica worriedly ran over to Brian as he was being attached to a stretcher and brought into an ambulance. "Will he be alright?," Timothy asked one of the paramedics, looking sad and concerned. The paramedic looked at Timothy and placed his hand on his shoulder. "He's in good hands, he'll be fine," said the paramedic with a reassuring smile. Timothy smiled back and replied, "Thank you so much."

"C'mon you kids! We'll give you a ride home!", yelled one of the officers to Jessica and Timothy. As they walked over to the police car, they both looked back as Brian was driven away by the ambulance, worried sick for their friend, brother even.

Once they got into the backseat of the cop car, Timothy pulled out his phone. When he looked at it, he noticed that the time read "11:35 PM" and he had thirteen missed calls from his mother. As he tried to call her back real quick, his phone instantly died. "Ah jeez, I'm gonna get yelled at when I get home," said Timothy as he began to sweat.

Curious, Jessica leaned over and looked at Timothy's dead phone, instantly giggling. She covered her mouth and said, "Jeez, that's rough man," as she chuckled out loud in the backseat of the car. Timothy rolled his eyes and glared outside the window, trying his best not to laugh. For a few calming seconds, Timothy glared outside the car window, looking up at the night sky room.

"Hey Timothy, whatcha looking at?", Jessica asked with a smirk on her face. Still looking up at the passing night sky, Timothy smiled and replied, "The full moon. Looks pretty nice out tonight. I know I shouldn't be smiling right now because of what we just went through, but I'm staying hopeful, always looking towards the light of the future."

Jessica then started to chuckle. "What's so funny?", Timothy confusingly asked. "Ha ha, ohhhh it's nothing Timothy. Say, after we visit Brian in the hospital tomorrow, you wanna hang out dude?" Timothy blushed for a slight second and nervously stuttered, "Oh, uhh, umm, yeah sure, that sounds uhh fun!" Jessica then laughed out loud replying, "Bro why are you talking like that ha ha!? By the way dude, you look a little red, you alright dude?" Timothy then covered his face in embarrassment and shook his head "Yes". The cop driving in the front seat of the car grinned and thought to himself, "Well that boy's definitely in love."

Once the police car pulled up to the front of Timothy's house, he took a deep breath and nervously laughed, "Welp, time to suffer the wrath of an angry mother." While he was getting out of the car, Jessica grinned and replied, "Relax dude, heh. Your mom's super cool, so I'm sure she'll be chill about it. Anyways, I'll see you tomorrow dude! Goodnight lil bro!" She then held up the peace sign as the police car began to pull off. Waving goodbye, Timothy thought to himself, "I really love that girl. I wish I could tell her that." Once Timothy walked over to his doorstep, he hesitated, before turning the doorknob open. As soon as he got in, he was met with a horrific surprise. His mom stood right in front of the doorway, giving him a pissed off death glare. In that second, Timothy thought in his head, "Yup, I'm dead." The rest of that crazy night didn't go too well for Timothy.

Despite everything that has happened tonight, later on, all three of them managed to finally get some well deserved rest after the hell they went through. But, not everyone involved in the incident got to rest peacefully that night.

It was now midnight in the city. And, over by the Southside of town was where the lowest rated hotel was located. "Damn it, this shit hurts!" Exclaimed Slick. He was living in a rented room inside the hotel he's been staying at for the past two weeks.

Looking in the bathroom, Slick turned on the sink faucet. He then removed his hat and black, fingerless gloves, setting them gently on the side of the sink. After that, he lowered his head, rinsing his hair and face under the faucet. Once rinsed, he dried his face and his greyish, black hair with a ragged white towel.

Then, Slick cautiously removed his long sleeved vest and short t-shirt, feeling the excruciating upper back pain as he did so. Once shirtless, Slick turned around and pulled out a cell phone to see his back in the mirror. Going into his camera app, he was able to see the nasty wound on the upper left side of his back. It was an inflamed, oval shaped, burnt wound that looked infected. Seeing this, Slick's eyes widened as he thought to himself, "Oh God, that's gross as shit."

Sighing, Slick proceeded to reach up into his medicine cabinet. Then, he pulled out a bottle of peroxide and an unusually large stapler. Without a second thought, he poured a quarter of the bottle of peroxide onto his shirtless back, causing it to run down his body. Slick gritted his teeth as the infected, glass wound bubbled with yellow puss, stinging like hell. Trying his best to neglect the pain, Slick then grabbed the stapler.

Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath in the mirror, Slick brought the large stapler up to the top of his back. Next, in horrific fashion, Slick punctured a big staple through the skin of his upper back, slightly closing the wound. He instantaneously grunted in pain as blood and oozing puss dripped down his back. He kept doing this brutal process repeatedly until the wound was fully stapled shut.

After the painful self surgery, Slick wiped off the puss mixed blood that leaked down his back with the same white towel, leaving a dark red stain. "Ouch, ahh dang it. I think I got a fever because it suddenly got hot as shit in here. Looks like I'm staying shirtless," Slick said to himself in pain.

Walking out of the bathroom, Slick shut off the light and walked over to his bed. Slowly, he lied down onto the hard mattress, brushing his fingers through his silky hair. "That Brian kid should've shot me in the skull right there and then. I wouldn't have minded going out like that." Still feeling the intense discomfort, Slick reached over to his nightstand, where a shot glass next to a bottle of liquor sat. Grabbing the half full shot glass, Slick drank it instantly, scrunching up his face afterwards.

"Liquor, make the pain go away." While staring up at his ceiling, a tear leaked down the side of Slick's face. With teared up, saddened eyes and an oppositely cheerful smile, Slick quietly cried to himself, "I'm losing what's left of my mind. Annie, my sweet angel, I know I'll never see you again. Watch over me from up in heaven while I burn up in the pits of hell."

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