Prison (Episode 16)

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Meanwhile that same morning, in the local police station, Caspian was locked up in the holding cell and ready to be sent to an adult prison for the murder of two police officers, a civilian, and many other small crimes around the city. The cops had used special handcuffs that covered his hands, locking his fists down, so he couldn't escape this time. He also had a severe concussion from blood loss, but he got medical attention before being sent to prison.

Once he arrived at the prison, he was immediately thrown into a cell with the special handcuffs on. Caspian was given a sentence of 25 years in prison. Later that day, Caspian was fully recovered from his concussion as he stared at one of the walls in his cell. He sat there, bags under his eyes, and thought to himself, "Is there even a point of living anymore?"

All of a sudden, Caspian felt a note on his back. He used his teeth to grab it and read it. It said, "Every saint has a past, but every sinner has a future." Caspian face expression changed from sadness to extreme anger. He quickly bit the note and ripped it in half. He yelled, "If I didn't have these stupid handcuffs on me, I would've turned that garbage to dust! I hate that damn boy! I wanna kill that bastard!"

Suddenly, a voice from the top bunk of the cell yelled, "Shut the hell up! I'm trying to sleep damn it!" Caspian quickly shut his mouth in fear of pissing off his unexpected cell mate. The guy rose up from the bunk and said, "You annoying brat. Now I can't fall back to sleep because of your loud ass mouth. Now you're gonna suffer..."

Caspian quickly ran up to the bars of the cell and called for help as the prisoner walked up behind him. Before anyone came, Caspian was punched in the side of his face. His mouth began oozing blood. The prisoner yelled, "Aww, what's the matter!? Can't fight back because you're handcuffed!? Not like you can do anything anyways because you're a damn teenager! You shouldn't even be allowed to share the same cell with someone like me! Now get ready to die!" The prisoners fingers then turned into knives as he was ready to finish off Caspian.

Suddenly, the prisoner was tased from the outside of the cell. An officer heard Caspian's cries for help. Caspian looked up and saw that the prisoner had been paralyzed. As blood leaked from his mouth, Caspian began laughing, "Ha ha, you dumbass!" The officer then shocked Caspian with the taser as well before walking off.

(Picture of the Prisoner)

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(Picture of the Prisoner)

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