Timber (Episode 58)

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After the horrific incident, the boy was carried off the field via stretcher. Miraculously, the boy, Davey, was still alive. The medical personnel had somehow managed to sense a pulse.

The injury had caused the tryouts to go on a temporary break. It only lasted about ten minutes, but it was good enough for everyone to process what had just occurred. They all had just witnessed the possible end of a boy's dreams.

During the break, Timothy used this time to collect he and his friend's leftover food trays and soda cups from lunch. "Hey Lucas. Wanna help me throw away the trash?", he asked. Lucas looked over to Timothy with his usual blank expression. "Sure."

Instintively, Lucas used his telekinesis to levitate the all the trash, including the trash Timothy had already picked up. "You have the perfect power for lazy people dude," remarked Jessica, slouched in her chair. Lucas replied, "Perhaps. Anyways, Timothy I can take care of the trash myself."

Timothy replied, "I kinda just wanted to get a small walk in after what we just saw. Recollect my thoughts, y'know? So let me help throw it out." Lucas nodded and released his levitation on two empty cups for Timothy to carry.

Timothy was thinking of asking the others, but Maxwell and Brian couldn't take their eyes off the field, as they were both trying to process what just happened. And Jessica looked as if she was about to go into a food coma. So, only he and Lucas walked.

After going down the stadium stairs, the two started walking through the snow over to the large trash bin near the exit. Feeling like it was a good time, Timothy started talking. "Hey Lucas. I know you're not exactly, calm all the time. You have emotions too. But, how are able to hide your feelings so well? You always have a calm demeanor, even in worst situations. I try to hide my feelings with a smile but, it's so hard when so many awful things keep happening. How do you do it?"

"Because of you," replied Lucas, half heartedly smiling. Timothy's face went from sad to surprised hearing that. Lucas continued, "You're the one who inspired me by keeping a smile on your face, even when your actual feelings read the opposite. Unlike you though, so much has happened in my life that smiling is painful. Just staying calm is the best I can portray, friend."

Tears started filling Timothy's light blue eyes. He repeated in his head, "Not gonna cry. Not gonna cry." He had to hide his face from Lucas for a second. "Everything alright?", Lucas asked worryingly.

Timothy then turned back to Lucas with a teary, closed eye smile and replied, "Yeah. Thanks friend." Lucas nodded and replied, "Do not mention it. Really."

After throwing away the garbage, the two of them began to make their way back to their seats. The next match was announced to begin momentarily. On the way back to the main area of the large stadium, Lucas noticed something.

They appeared to be a group of participants. About seven of them. Each of them were dressed interestingly though. It was Japanese style attire that they all wore. Timothy then noticed the passing gang the more he and Lucas walked forward. They were right aside from then now, walking pass one another.

Suddenly, Timothy received a fierce stiff arm to the right side of his face, knocking him to the ground. Alarming him, Lucas's eyes widened in shock. It was one of the guys in the group who pushed Timothy over.

"What a punk ass ha ha!", exclaimed the boy who stiff-armed Timothy, cackling. Lucas's ghoulish, green aura surrounded his entire body instantaneously. His eyes glowed with rage.

Fear grew on Timothy's face in seconds, seeing Lucas's reaction. Quickly, Timothy sat up and grabbed Lucas by his pants leg. He shouted to him, "No! Lucas! I'm alright! Really! You don't have to!"

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