Massacre (Episode 19)

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There was nothing but blood and ripped up corpses everywhere all across the streets and sidewalks. Timothy was shaking with fear. The horrific sight nearly made him puke. Near the bloody corpses were destroyed cars that were on fire. And in the middle of all the destruction were the two men who caused it all. The men were highly dangerous wanted criminals known as Corpse Slayer and Meat Grinder.

 The men were highly dangerous wanted criminals known as Corpse Slayer and Meat Grinder

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(Picture of Corpse Slayer)

(Picture of Corpse Slayer)

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(Picture of Meat Grinder)

As soon as Timothy saw the two men's faces, he immediately recognized them from the news and local wanted posters. Corpse Slayer, the twisted and more psychotic one of the two. He slices up his victims with his deadly, large knives. And Meat Grinder, the silent but more deadly of the two. He tears off people's limbs with his bare hands. These two are responsible for forty-three local murders in total, now including the new six dead bodies Timothy had just come across.

Suddenly, Four heroes came running onto the scene. Two of them began evacuating citizens and putting out the flames with water based powers as the other two set their focus on the criminals. Corpse Slayer gave the heroes a creepy smile. In the blink of an eye, Corpse Slayer leaped above the wall of flames with both his knives in hand, launching them at both heroes.

Without hesitation, the heroes yelled, "Watch out!" as they both quickly dodged out of the way of the large blades. As soon as Corpse Slayer landed on the outside of the wall of flames, the four heroes surrounded him, ready for battle. All of a sudden, Meat Grinder ran through the wall of flames and grabbed one of the heroes from behind, snapping their neck instantly. As the remaining three heroes were stunned by the sudden death, Corpse Slayer took advantage of the distraction and quickly grabbed his blades out of the ground, running up to slice through the torso of one of the heroes. By time they noticed, they were already slashed, collapsing instantly. One of the remaining two heroes saw Timothy near the scene and yelled, "Get the hell out of here kid! Run!" And as soon as the hero turned back to the criminals, it was too late. Corpse Slayer had jumped forward and pierced the hero through her forehead with one of the large knives.

Afterwards, Corpse Slayer had glanced at the last remaining hero and uttered, "And then there was one," with a menacing grin on his face. The last hero slowly took steps backwards as the two murderers slowly approached. One with a terrifying grin, and the other with a cold, pissed expression. The hero then kneeled down on both his knees and pleaded, "Please, I have a family to come home to. My beautiful wife, and my newborn daughter. I beg of you, spare me."

Corpse Slayer's menacing smirk grew as he watched the heroes tears stroll down his face. Corpse Slayer then gripped onto both his knives tightly and lifted them into the air. It was the end for the hero, until.......

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