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"Guys, bad news. Aaliyah texted Henry managed to get out. Kaigo, you have to find everything relating Henry and Oliver very fast." Yusuf said.
"Man, I am trying. It's hard, okay ?" Kaigo said while typing fiercely on the keyboard.
"Okay, Kaigo. No pressure. Do your work." Aysun said to him.
"Tell Aaliyah to make sure Henry doesn't puzzle Giovanni according to his plan. And tell her not to inform anyone about Sandro." AJ said to Yusuf. He nodded.
One thing was common between the police and Professor. They didn't really know where the stolen items were kept. Elena didn't have that information.

Professor called AJ," Listen AJ, Henry must not know that Sandro is compromised. He might contact Sandro. Just answer accordingly and carefully."
"Got it."
"AJ, be careful."
"Yes, Professor." AJ smiled. She explained to her team what Professor just said. On the other hand, Aaliyah told Giovanni that they should keep it to themselves about Sandro. While they were Henry walked towards them and asked,"I don't see Mr. Sandro. Where is he ?"
"Why ?" Aaliyah asked.
"No. Some officers were talking."
"Well, we got something about some of the robbers. He went to investigate." Giovanni explained.
"I see." Henry smiled and walked away. Henry also wanted to ask about the video that showed how the robbers escaped but he decided to text Sandro.
"Guys ! Henry is texting." Yusuf shouted.
"What's he saying ?" Aysun asked.
"Where are you ?" Henry sent.
"Some evidence came up. Don't worry. I got this." Yusuf texted back in english because he saw Oliver and Henry texted in english previously.
"Good. How's everything there ?" Kaigo texted.
"Not great. They have a video of our team escaping through the tunnel. Someone kept a phone there too. Some hostage, perhaps. But how did they get to know they were escaping from there ?"
"Maybe our team was discussing and someone eavesdropped."
"Yeah. It can happen. By the way, the paintings and sculptures are safe. I am absolutely sure they won't find it."
"Yeah, me too."
"Bye then."
"Bye." Sending the last message, Yusuf sighed.
"How are we going to find where did they hide the things ?" Helsinki asked.
"That's not our concern, right now. We have to make sure the police finds his team." AJ murmured.
"Hey ! I got it !" Kaigo started dancing like a maniac.
"What ?" Helsinki asked.
"Tell Aaliyah to dig deeper in Sandro's background with Raúl. They will get what they want." Kaigo smiled.

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