The silence before storm

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"When we will be held as hostages, we won't fight back. We will act scared and afraid. Let them think you are experiencing your greatest nightmare. Let them be in the dark." AJ said.
"The police will arrive on the spot few minutes later. Many organizations will come since the museum's half share belongs to the Government of Italy. And that's where Aaliyah will appear with us." Raquel said.
"Raquel, Lisa and Kaigo and I will be with her. The police will try to hack the security system and usually they fail. But this time they won't. Because we will help them." Professor said.

When the people started screaming, Henry Walkfield came out of his office with his bodyguards.
"What is going on in here ?" Henry shouted at the crowd. And he gasped when he saw guns pointed at him and the tourists.
"Ah ! Our chief guest is here. Mr. Walkfield, tell your guards to put their guns on the ground and kick it towards us or you are gonna be dead." Jonas said. They did what he said. But suddenly one of the guards took out a gun from somewhere but Sofia shot right on his forehead and he collapsed. The hostages gasped and few started crying.
"Oops. Sorry." Sofia smirked like a sinister.
"Sofia, look at our guests ! You have frightened them. Tsk, tsk." Jonas started walking towards the hostages on floor. He got near a woman who was hugging her daughter. Both of them were scared.
"What's your name, sweetheart ?" Jonas asked.
"M-Mona-a." She shuttered. Tears were strolling down from her cheeks.
"Is that your daughter ?" She nodded.
"Do you want anything to happen to her ?"
"No. Please no. I beg you."
"So, you'll do what we will say ?"
"Yes ! Yes !"
"That's the spirit. Now we will give you these jumpsuits. Wear them. We will give you masks but wear them when we ask you too." Yankel laughed. After everyone was ready, they went outside. Jonas shouted in the mic," Ladies and gentlemen, we are doing an heist at this museum. Call the police. Bye." And they all fired in the air till they were out of bullets.
The people on the streets ran, the traffic guards contacted the police.

Few minutes later, the police tent was constructed few yards away. The head of the operation was Giovanni de Luca. Soon, Aaliyah Costa entered the scene.
"Ah ! Costa. Thanks for coming here so quickly." Giovanni shook hands with him.
"Let's catch these bastards. I know only you can do this." Little oiling was needed. Professor, Raquel, Kaigo and Lisa sat in front of the screens.
"Our first priority is to hack into their system. But it's tough. We are trying our best." Mr. Sandro who was assisting Giovanni, came forward and said.

"Mr. Oliver Sandro. Walkfield's right man. He is the one clearing all illegal things from his profile. He is the mole in the police. When we hacked the system, we have also put a device inside their system. And with that device we can hack into the system again easily." Raquel explained.
"Who is the negotiator ?" Manila asked.
"Sandro himself. So it's gonna be easy for them. When we will hack into the system, it will be a shock to them. So Sandro will try to inform that to his team. But here is our opportunity. Walkfield won't be able to do anything. If  he shows that he knows the police have hacked the system, the police will know that someone in them is a mole. So Henry will be cautious and won't kill anyone further. That's our scope. If he kills someone, police won't hesitate to use force."

Jonas and his group made everyone sit on the floor. Walkfield was among the hostages. He looked scared but deep down Professor's team knew it was pure acting. He should switch careers. He would make more money as an actor.
On the other hand, the police were trying to get into the security system. Professor, Raquel and Kaigo were acting as if they were trying their best. Lisa outside was positioned to keep an eye.
"They are really good with their heist. Are they Professor's team ? The Royal Mint one ?" Giovanni asked. Raquel looked at Professor.
"No. They have a different style. They wear Dalí masks and red jumpsuits. And they are inactive for a long time." Costa said.
"Yeah. But I have to say as robbers, they were marvellous. So planned. And didn't harm anyone." The way Giovanni praised Professor and his team made him smile a bit. After one hour, Costa signalled Kaigo to hack. Within fifteen minutes, red alarm started blasting in the museum.
"What's going on ?" Sofia asked.
"Security. Sofia stay here. I'll check with Frederick." Jonas went towards the maintenance room.
"Shit has happened, boss. Police are into our system." Fred said.
"What ? How ? I mean, they can see us now ?"
"Yes." Fred looked down. Jonas grabbed him by his collar and started chocking him.
"If the heist goes wrong, I will make you pay a heavy price."
"I-I uhh please I c-can't..." Fred was fighting to breath some air. Jonas left him and went towards Walkfield.
"We have to talk. Come on. Yankel, Sofia take him with us."

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