Real Talk

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"Did you look at their faces ?" Raquel laughed loudly. Everyone started laughing too.
"Sorry AJ if we have made you uncomfortable." Tokyo apologized.
"Uncomfortable ? That was fucking awesome. I loved how the guys reacted." AJ cracked.
"Shall we continue the game ?" Lisa asked.
"Yes. Come on." Manila sat down on the floor. We also did. Questions were asked about each other's birthdays, best sex they ever had, who in the group smelled amazing and who didn't like to bath and etc.
"So AJ, do you know a secret about one of our members that we don't know ?" Manila asked.
"I do."
"Who is it ?" Tokyo smirked. Mónica was rooting for Martías. Raquel was praying that she would say Berlin. She noticed how Berlin looked at her. Admired her. Not like eye raping. And tonight, the way Berlin's eyes became a little darker and how he was waiting for AJ's answer regarding whom she would sleep with, was quite understandable. Berlin likes her.
"YES !! I KNEW IT !!" Mónica literally screamed.
"Oh really, huh ?" Manila smiled.
"Get you minds out of the gutter. It's nothing like that."
"Can we know the secret ?"
"No. He trusts me, man. Can't break promises. I crossed my heart." AJ stated.
"Now, I'll ask a question. Mónica, how did you meet Denver ?" Lisa asked.
"Well, that's a weird love story." Mónica blushed.
"We have got all night." AJ said.
"So, I was a hostage in the heist of The Royal Mint of Spain. I just found out I was pregnant with my ex boyfriend's baby. He kinda rejected me first. And when the heist........" Mónica told them how their love blossomed through hardships and troubles.
"Wait a minute. Berlin ordered Denver to shoot you ?" AJ got up. She was kind of pissed. How could a person do that to a pregnant woman ?
"Yeah. But I am over that. In that moment, I was risking their entire plan. And he even apologized when he came here." Mónica said.
"But still, it's cold. Man, I thought he is a nice guy. Did we save a bad guy ?" AJ looked at Lisa.
"No, you are getting it wrong. He is a nice guy. He is a dick, I accept it. But before he was worse. But now things have changed. He literally sacrificed himself for the team." Raquel explained. She didn't want AJ to have an bad idea about Berlin. She was rooting for them.
"It's all good now, AJ."Manila said. AJ sat down again. But she felt so uneasy. She knew that she was also weird and crazy but ordering to shoot a pregnant woman ? Nah, that's too far.

It was already two o'clock. Everybody decided to go to bed. AJ told them not to wake her up before eleven o'clock in the morning. She was gonna sleep a lot.

"Where is AJ ?" Andrés asked, looking at everyone. They were having breakfast. Raquel found it sweet. But she was also worried that AJ might think Berlin was a bad person after last night.
"She is not gonna wake up before eleven. We all slept quite late." Manila said.
"Yeah. She told me that if there's anything she loves the most in this world apart from few people, it's sleep." Martías laughed.
"You seem to know a lot about her, Martinez." Rio said. Denver laughed his iconic laugh. Berlin silently sipped his coffee
"Shut up."
"Rio is right. Last night, she told us that she knows a secret about you that none of us knows." Mónica said. Raquel noticed how Berlin was looking uneasy.
"Yeah. It's true. She helped me with something. That's it, guys."
"Don't annoy him so much, guys. By the way, how was the party yesterday ?" Helsi asked.
"Amazing. We enjoyed so much." Tokyo said.
"Did we miss something important ?" Palermo asked.
"So much you guys can't even imagine." Lisa said.
"Ah really ?" Denver asked.
"Did you guys kiss each other ?" Kaigo asked.
"Did you guys dance naked ?"
"Did any of you make out ?"
"Okay, everyone. Stop. Please eat." Professor said. He looked tense. But he was little horny and excited. The men felt a little horny. Berlin was just thinking about AJ.

( Due to a super cyclone "Amphan" in my country, there is neither electricity nor internet connection in my city. And also due to Corona Virus, traveling somewhere else isn't safe. I won't be surprised if international news channels aren't broadcasting this news. Even the national news channels in my country aren't paying attention to our condition. Due to no electricity, there is scarcity of drinking water. I am sorry that I won't be able to update frequently. I'll update whenever I get a little connection. Thank you for reading this.)

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