One more mistake

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Sandro sat there in the room looking at the ceiling. A little bruised up but he was all right. They couldn't get out the information they needed. Merseille sat there in front of him, looking disappointed.
"You do realize I am a police officer, right ? It's hard to get things out of our system." Oliver smirked.
"Why did you help Henry ?"
"We all crave power and money. I do. You do. Thousands of people do. There's nothing wrong with that."
"You are insane, man."
"So are you." There was a knock on the door and AJ announced," We got him." Oliver's facial expressions changed. He looked at Merseille. Merseille got up and smirked at him," Did you really think we needed Peter and Maya's location ? While you are here, we got everything you had hidden away in your secret spot. And by we, I mean the Italian police. You are officially fucked, Oliver. Bye."
"NO !!" Sandro screamed and Merseille just slammed the door on his face.

Lisa still didn't wake up. AJ stood near her bed and stroked her hair strands.
"You know, I don't blame you, AJ." Kaigo said to her.
"I am just so done with losing people. I just wanna scream and say enough. Mom left. Dorothy left. And now-"
"My cousin is tough. Yeah, she is a little crazy. Dramatic, sometimes."
"Watch your mouth, asshole." Lisa said out in a soft voice. AJ and Kaigo's eyes became big.
"What the fuck ? How long have you been listening ?" AJ asked.
"Long enough." Lisa tried to get up but she was in pain.
"Wait. I'll call the doctor." Kaigo said.
"No. You stay. I'll call him." AJ realized he might need some moment with her.
"So, I am dramatic ?"
"Hell yeah. Look what you just did. So sneaky. But I am glad you are okay. I love you."
"I love you too, K." She reached his hair and messed it up.
"Dude, my hair !" Kaigo tried to manage it but the damage was already done.

The police already found Oliver's another apartment where there were clear evidence he was connected to the heist. They found his connections with the criminal group who were also connected to Nadia and Kemal's death. Nadia and Kemal's death was suspicious to many people but due to lack of evidence, they couldn't continue it. While inside the museum, one plan worked fine and the other didn't. Jonas knew they have to escape right then cause police were closing in on them. Jonas signalled his team to take out dynamites and smoke bombs.
"Sir, we got another visual inside the museum. It's the basement, I suppose." Someone said in the police tent.
"I think some hostage placed it. Maybe they got to know something." Officer Morrano said.

With dynamites and smoke bombs, Jonas was able to destroy the entire domination of the task force. Even the Professor wasn't prepared for this. Hostages and police were hurt. Even their own members were injured.
"The hostages are out. I repeat, the hostages are out. Get ambulance and medics ready. Three police casualties. Many injured." Officer said to his speaker. Everyone inside the tent sighed in relief.
"Sir, look !" Giovanni looked at the screen. The robbers entered the basement. Then they opened a lid from the floor out of nowhere and they all jumped inside. The last person who jumped attached something to the lid and closed it. Giovanni instructed his people to get inside the museum and get to the basement. But before they could find the basement, they saw an explosion from the basement on the screen which meant the tunnel was gone. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the screen. But Professor couldn't stay still when he saw Henry Walkfield walking inside the tent in few minutes. Aaliyah looked at Raquel. One more mistake.

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