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The beautiful city of Milan was about to witness a heist at the Museum of International Art and Culture. Henry and his team were ready. So was Professor and his team.

"Our entrance is going to be simple this time. Through the main entrance as tourists. We are gonna be usual tourists suddenly trapped in the museum as hostages." Professor said to the people sitting in front of him.
"But we need things. Important objects. But we can't carry them. The security check in the entrance hinders us." AJ said while standing next to Professor.
"Then how are we going to do it ?" Rio asked.
"You and Kaigo." AJ said.
"Us ?" Rio and Kaigo asked at the same time.
"We will talk about that later." Professor said." Now, the disguises. In that field, we have the best person, Aysun."
Everyone looked at Aysun who looked at them and nodded.
"She is the best make up artist I have ever come across. She can turn Professor Sergio into Professor Serena." AJ smiled. Everyone cracked up.
"No. There is no need for that." Professor cleared his throat.

Location : Museum of International Art and Culture, Milan.

"What are you guys here for ?" The security guard asked the people in front of him.
"CCTV cameras. Mr. Walkfield called us." Jonas said. They were prepared. The moment the door would be opened, the two security guards would be killed. And that was what happened next.

"Wait a minute. If they are entering as technicians and killing two security guards, will not the security footage get them ?" Rio asked.
"Excellent question, Rio. Technically, it won't get them all. Footage would show one person's face and that will be the driver's. But they can erase everything the moment they get inside the maintenance room." Professor explained.

Jonas and his team shot the other three employees in front of them. Yankel and Sofia got inside the maintenance room and killed the two employees. They started their work in there, organising their laptops. Jonas and others wore their masks and went in front of the tourists and opened fire in the air. People started screaming and crying.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the greatest heist of all time. Please cooperate or else you will end up like the security guards downstairs. Dead. Understand ?" Jonas screamed at the hostages who were now on the floor. The list of hostages were —

1) Rio ( Pablo )
2) Tokyo ( Louisa )
3) Denver ( Chris )
4) Manila ( Mariah )
5) Martías ( Jose )
6) Berlin a.k.a Andrés ( Santiago )
7) Palermo ( Diego )
8) Abdul
9) Cianna
10) Enzo
11) Prakash
12) Mona
13) Blancha
14) Zola
15) Alex
16) Ivan
17) Archie
18) Hasina
19) Zinaat
20) Ali
21) Bobby
22) Isabella
25) Issac
26) Will
27) Mónica ( Kara)
Some of them were adults. Some were teens. Some elders. Few kids. And some were robbers.

Professor, Raquel, Lisa and Kaigo helped from outside. AJ, Helsinki, Yusuf and Aysun had another job. Important one.

The part written in italics depicts the team's conversations before D-Day. It's in the past.

Saved✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz