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Yusuf's restaurant was few minutes away from their house. Their restaurant was very famous in Ankara but very few people knew that Yusuf's family was connected to the underworld. The police respected them. They never did harm to innocent people. That was why Halit and Ibrahim trusted him so much. The basement was not accessible to everyone. Only few could enter. The basement was very tidy. Elena was lying down. A woman was sitting beside her reading a book. She looked at them and got up immediately. She was Yusuf's family doctor. Aruna was her name. She was an Turkish Indian woman settled here. She knew AJ and her friends.
"Hello, AJ. How are you doing ?" She smiled.
"Fine. For now, at least. How is Elena ?"
"Little weak but it's normal. She survived two bullet wounds. That woman is as strong as a rock." Aruna went near Elena and gently nudged her. Elena opened her eyes slowly.
"AJ ? Lisa ?" She said softly and smiled.
"Yes, dear. They are here." Aysun sat on the bed and touched her feet.
"Thank god you are here." She smiled." I couldn't save him, AJ. I tried my best. I did. I miss him so much." Elena started crying. Everyone tried to console her. Lisa knew their entire love story. She was present there when Elena met Rahim for the first time. Rahim couldn't move his eyes from her. Elena was one of the best thieves. She was an American. They met in Japan. From there, they were inseperable.
"Tell me. Tell me what happened ?" AJ said.
"Few weeks ago, a guy named Jonas hired us. They are planning on robbing Walkfield's Italian museum in  Milan. We knew it would be our best opportunity to take the revenge. But we didn't know it was Henry only who was planning the heist. We wanted to withdraw. Another guy named Mike too. Jonas said it was too late to withdraw. We said we won't say anything to anyone. He shot us then only. There is a woman named Noora in the gang. She noticed I was still breathing. They decided to leave our bodies in the alley behind the Old Mosque. Noora knew Aysun's and our friendship. She contacted her. Noora risked a lot. I can't repay her."
"Don't worry. Henry will pay the price." Kaigo assured.
"Inshallah."( If God wills ) Aysun nodded.
"We should contact the ministers Halit Çetin and Ibrahim Aksoy. They will help us further." Manila said.
"Yes. I will arrange that." Yusuf said.

It was night already. Everyone had dinner and went to sleep. AJ had her own room here. She was about to lie down when someone knocked.
"Come in."
"I hope the room is tidy." Aysun entered.
"It's perfect. Can you tug me in the bed ?" AJ giggled in a childlish manner.
"Why do you think I came her for ? Come on." Aysun tugged her in her bed and stroked her hand in between her hair.
"You are a brave woman. A lioness. Never forget that. My beautiful girl."
"Are you proud of me ?"
"Did you call her ?"
"Yes. I did. She is worried. She wants updates every fifteen minutes."
"Well that's Chitra." Aysun smiled. She kissed her on her forehead and left.

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