Lay low

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"Didn't they find out when they saw the body ?" Professor asked AJ suddenly. They were in the kitchen. Some of them were preparing lunch. Others were helping them. Paula and Cincinnati were playing.

"They didn't because CNI's best forensic expert went to the hospital who is my guy. He went there with his two colleagues, Lisa and me. Since CNI took over the case, nobody could say anything. When they contacted to verify, Kaigo transferred the call to himself and verified positively." AJ explained him her plan.

"But why did you bring him five years later ?"

"We would have brought him sooner but CNI decided to investigate the known robbers. Rio, Tokyo and Berlin. Even if Berlin was dead, they were trying to find something and investigate. Maybe to expose the other robbers. That's why we laid low somewhere else."

"Nice." Professor nodded while adjusting his glasses.

"Thank you. By the way, Can I take a shower ?" AJ asked the question to Raquel.

"Yeah. Come with me. I'll show you." Tokyo told her and took her upstairs.

"This is your room. Small but cozy. There's the bathroom." Tokyo told her.
"I love it. Thank you."
"AJ ?"
"Yeah ?"
"Thanks for bringing Berlin alive."
"Don't mention it, Tokyo. Come here." AJ hugged Tokyo.
"She has a boyfriend, AJ !" Kaigo shouted at AJ.
"Shut up, Kai !" Lisa said.
"So ? I can't hug people who are committed ? Fuck off !!" AJ showed him middle finger.

Berlin was in his room taking his medicines. He was right. Doctors say some bullshit. They told him that he wouldn't survive. But here he was, doing alright. He was misdiagnosed. Suddenly a knock on the door stopped him thinking.

"Yes ?"
"It's me. Sergio."
"Come in." Sergio came in and closed the door. Andrés stoop up. Sergio went closer and hugged him. Andrés smiled and hugged him back.
"I am so glad you are here. So glad, brother."
"I know. I am so proud of you. Bank of Spain, huh ?" Andrés patted his back and laughed.
"Credit goes to you too. You came up with the plan."
"Yeah but you executed it. And without me." Andrés said.
"So what are you plans ?"
"Lay low. Enjoy life. I'll think about heists later on."
"That's a great plan. Come on, lunch is ready. Raquel and others made your favourite items."
"I still can't believe you fell for an police officer."
"Come on, now !"

(The picture above is edited by me. Tell me how it is.)

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