Another family

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Everyone packed their clothes and essential items needed for three days. They were gonna set out tonight at two o'clock. It was noon now. Everyone was sitting in the living room.
"Look, I am not gonna lie. If we need help, we will ask. But I don't want to risk your lives. Sergio, Denver, you guys have kids. You should understand. I can't risk your lives. Actually, all of you. We can't risk your family." AJ said.
"We risk our lives everyday. This is how things are. AJ, don't worry. You go to Turkey and take care of things. We are here for you." Rio said. Soon, everyone went to their rooms. AJ was outside, thinking. She was thinking about the worst case scenarios. What if something had happened to Yusuf ? Or his mother Aysun ? What about Yusuf's sister, Emine ? Those three people meant a lot for AJ. She didn't have a lot of people in her life. Some left, some were killed, some stayed.
"Are you going to leave, AJ ?" A voice asked her. She looked beside her and saw Cina. He was looking at her with a curious face. AJ got down on her knees and stroked his cheeks.
"I am going for few days and then I am gonna be back in a flash. I'll bring something for you and Paula."
"Really ? What are you going to bring ?"
"It's a surprise. Now, I want a kiss. Here." She moved her cheeks towards him and he planted a kiss there and giggled.
"Can I get a kiss ?" The question was asked by Andrés who was standing there with a smirk. The question was for AJ but Cina thought it was for him.
"Sure ! Come here !" Cina signalled him to bent down and kissed his cheeks. Andrés found him very sweet.
"Now, go and play." Andrés told him. AJ was standing there, observing him. Wasn't it Cincinnati's mother whom he ordered to kill while she was pregnant ? Did he really change ? Or was it just a show ?
"Are you daydreaming about me ?" Andrés asked her a little loudly.
"You wish." AJ smiled. She wanted to ignore him but she couldn't.
"I know my brother. He won't step back if you guys need his help. Same thing goes to Raquel, Denver and Mónica. But I'll help you whenever you want. I don't have a wife or kids. No attachments."
"Thanks. I appreciate it." AJ smiled. She looked at him and saw his genuineness. Maybe he wasn't so bad after all.

Five minutes left to strick two o'clock. They were all ready. Everyone was awake except the kids.
"You guys should go back to sleep." Kaigo said.
"It's fine. I am gonna drive you guys to the airport. No questions asked." Helsinki said. They bid good-byes and drove to the airport.
"Stay away from trouble. Even though that's your second love." Helsinki teased Palermo. They were all waiting for the plane. This part of the airport was empty. Special arrangements were done for them.
"I have only one love in my life. And that's you. Keep your sexy ass away from troubles too." Palermo kissed him passionately and smiled.

The plane came few minutes later. Within three hours they reached Ankara. The capital city of Turkey. Many people think Istanbul is the capital of Turkey. But no. Yusuf was waiting for them.
"Ankara'ya hoş geldiniz arkadaşlar! " ( Welcome to Ankara, friends !) Yusuf greeted them with a smile. They all shook their hands and introduced each other.
"Come on ! Mother is waiting for you guys ! She made your favourite dessert, keshkul !"
"Keshkul !! Yes !!" AJ and Kaigo loved keshkul.

When they reached Yusuf's house, his mother welcomed them.
"Hoşgeldiniz !" ( Welcome !)
"teşekkür ederim. Anne, nasılsın? " ( Thank you. Mother, how are you ?) AJ hugged her. AJ addresses her as her mother. Once Yusuf's sister Emine was kidnapped and AJ rescued her safely. From then only, she told AJ that she was her daughter. And always going to be. She took care of AJ whenever she was there for her.
"Olağanüstü. Şimdi kızımı gördüğüme göre, çok mutluyum. ( Wonderful. Now that I have seen my daughter, I am more than happy.) Aysun kissed her forehead.
"AJ !!" Emine ran towards her and hugged her.
"Emine !!" It was a family reunion after all. They all went inside and sat down.

"I hope your journey was good." Emine said.
"Everything was fine. Now tell us what happened." Kaigo said. Aysun looked at Yusuf.

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