Villain's out ?

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Professor and his team who are outside thought of a plan to include his people in the special task force team that was created. This team would take down the robbers. Since the robbers were not wearing any hoods now, their job was easy. Little bit maybe. Professor's people's job would be to stop Henry and his team from getting out. They must stay inside and steal the paintings and sculptures. If Henry gets out, he would handle the heist from outside. His main job was to now steal the paintings and sculptures. As long as Henry stays inside, he would not interfere with Plan Ganymade.

Benjamín and his team were among the task force team. Their job was to make sure that Henry stays inside and to bring Professor's teammates out of there. The end of this heist was near.

While the team was getting ready, Aaliyah called Giovanni, Morrano and Laura to discuss something outside the tent.
"Sir, I think Oliver Sandro is a mole in our team."
"Are you sure, Aaliyah ?"
"I am sorry, sir but I asked Raúl from our team to track his bank details. Turns out his account was credited with a huge amount of cash from a turkish bank account. This account belonged to a member of a criminal group which is related in buying and selling illegal items such as stolen paintings, statues, sculptures and more." She gave him the file.
"Fucker !" Laura said out.
"Dig deeper, Aaliyah. Find more." Giovanni said. He couldn't believe it. His own man. It was hard for Kaigo to find all that information of Sandro and leaked it in the system so that Raúl from police could find it. Luckily they have his phone and nowadays, everything is connected to that damn thing. Merseille couldn't get hold of Peter and Maya's location from Oliver. Kaigo was trying everything he could.

Jonas and his team were just resting a bit. They were all paranoid now. They all knew they fucked up. They just decided to leave the place as soon as possible. Suddenly the power went out. Everyone started panicking. It was the police who did it this time. The police blasted off the back door. Tobi was there. He was about to shoot when a storm of bullets hit him, and he died. The people inside panicked. In the darkness, Henry went near Jonas and whispered," I have to get out of here. If I don't get out, you won't get a single penny." Jonas and his team decided to fight back but if they see that there is a slight chance of them surviving, they would escape.

There was a huge fight between the robbers and the police. Some of the police officers separated the hostages from the robbers. Julia ( Manila ) saw her father who came near him," Hello, darling."
"Got something for you, papí." She handed a smartphone and he knew exactly where to keep it. Remember when Professor asked them to take two smartphones ? One was already used and the other one was to be placed at the basement from where they were gonna escape. Benjamín gave the phone to his fellow member who sneaked down to the basement. Henry was trying to get among the hostages but it was like he was always separated.
Nora called Sofia," Go near the hostages. We need to get them back. Take Yankel and Fred with you." They started firing at the officers who were guarding the hostages. That was the distraction. Jonas looked at Henry from the other side of the room and nodded.

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