I can't lose you too

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AJ slowly opened her heavy eyes. Her head was spinning and her throat was dry. She tried to speak but only some incoherent words came out. Her body ached. Someone placed a glass of water on her lips and she drank all of it. It was Yusuf.
"Hey. How are you feeling ?"
"Was it a dream ?" Yusuf shooked his head. AJ just groaned.
"The doctors are treating her. She is gonna be okay." Helsinki said. A bandage was wrapped around his forehead.
"We should call Professor now. We were waiting for you to wake up." Emine said.

It was midnight now but still the police tent was wide awake. Aaliyah, Giovanni, Officer Laura and Officer Morrano were having coffee outside the tent.
"Sir, I think we should act now. Fiercely." Officer Laura said.
"I agree. I am contacting Carabinieri and other armed forces. The government is pressuring us. So is the Turkish Government. Both are really concerned and I think they are right. They have killed a man inside. That's a lot."
"Sir, I think it's really unsafe." Aaliyah said. If the armed forces enter the place forcefully, then things are gonna turn upside down for them.
"No, Costa. Tomorrow early morning, we will attack. Enough with the negotiation."
"But sir—"
"Aaliyah, I know you are concerned. But what about those people inside who had it enough ? Those people are scared. We need to save them."
"Okay sir."
"Sir, I called Sandro's girlfriend. He isn't home." Officer Laura said.
"Where the hell is he ?" Morrano said.
"It doesn't look good, sir." Aaliyah stirred the situation towards something else.

"Imagine the plan is going in an utterly wrong direction. Things get real messy in the museum. Aaliyah can't influence the police anymore." Professor explained.
"Do you think it can happen ? I mean, you are amazing. I have got hundred percent trust in you, man." Kaigo said.
"Well, Andrés once told me that everything will not happen according to the plan always. Distractions. Wrong moves. It can happen. So, AJ ?"
Professor called out AJ. She gave a sweet smile and stood in front of the team.
"Plan Ganymade. Anybody familiar with the name ?" AJ asked.
"Heard it in some Shakespeare play, I guess." Denver said. Everyone turned their heads towards him so fast. Professor's mouth hung open.
"What ? Yes, I do read. Fuck off !" Denver snapped.
"Okay. Now, where was I ? Yes, Ganymade. Ganymade was abducted by the Greek god Zues in the Greek mythology. The reason for abduction ? Zeus thought Ganymade was too beautiful to be mortal and he wanted him as his cupbearer. Legend says, he abducted Ganymade as an eagle. So, you get the picture, right ? We are gonna abduct someone."
"Who ?" Palermo asked.
"Oliver Sandro." Professor said.

Professor, Raquel and Kaigo sat inside the tent, waiting. Aaliyah went near them and told them about the conversation she had with Giovanni and others. Professor groaned. Everything was falling apart. Suddenly Raquel's phone vibrated. It was a message from Helsinki. It said," Come to the house. Emergency. Everyone come except Aaliyah. She must maintain her position."
"Let's go." Kaigo stood up. The house wasn't that far. But it took some time. Outside the museum, it was surrounded by reporters and journalists. They drove fast. The road was clear. It was quite late. Around the time they reached, they saw Emine sitting on the porch.
"Thank Allah ! You are here."
"What happened ?" Professor asked.
"Is everyone okay ?" Raquel asked.
"It's your cousin, Kaigo. She was hit by bullets."
"What ?? You couldn't have contacted sooner ??" Kaigo shouted at her and ran inside. They all followed him. They saw AJ lying on the sofa. Yusuf was sitting beside her with cuts and bruises all over his face.
"Good Lord. What happened ? Where is Helsinki ?" Raquel asked.
"Peter hit him with vase on his head. He is okay now. He is resting upstairs." Yusuf said. As he was talking, the doctor came out and said,"  One bullet hit quite close to the spine. We got it out. Another hit on the thigh. We got that too. But she isn't awake yet."
"Will she be okay ?" Kaigo asked with teary eyes.
"We can't say anything right now. If she doesn't wake up within twenty four hours, it's gonna get difficult."
"Can I see her ?"
"See her in the morning. Let her rest."
The doctor said and patted Kaigo's shoulder. Everyone stood in silence.
"It's my fault." AJ said out suddenly. Everyone looked at her. Tears were rolling from her cheeks. She said,"I am sorry, Kaigo. It should be me in there."
"No, AJ. It's not your fault. I know you. You care for Lisa so much." Kaigo sat in front of her. He hugged her and consoled her.
"We heard from the news what happened inside the museum." Yusuf said.
"Yeah. But I don't get this. Why didn't you guys call us sooner ?" Professor asked.
"We did something to control the situation." Yusuf said.
"We conducted Plan Ganymade." Emine looked at them and said.

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