Trust issues

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Everyone inside the museum were panicking. The hostages and the robbers too.

"What do you mean they have hacked the system ?" Walkfield shouted at his team in the bathroom. This was the only place they were safe now.
"Boss, they must have good people with them. I mean, Fred and I did our best." Sofia said.
"Don't start, Sofia. I trusted you when you said Fred is good. By the way, Jonas, when are you starting the negotiation ?"
"In an hour. Don't worry. "
"Listen. Do not kill anyone from now on. And I mean it. It won't do any good to us." Henry said to them.
"Yes, boss." Jonas said.

"Are you okay ?" Rio asked Tokyo.
"Yeah. Now, I feel how the hostages felt." Tokyo smiled.
"We are here to help them. Don't worry." Palermo said.
"Hello everyone. We have brought water and snacks. Kids and old people will get first." Yankel said.
Berlin was sitting beside Palermo in silence. He was recalling an incident that happened few weeks before at their Milan house where they were planning.

Everyone was at the table for lunch. Only AJ was upstairs. Suddenly Professor spoke out," I was thinking about someone leading others inside the museum. I think Andrés should do it."
"I don't think so." Tokyo objected to that. Rio nodded.
"Me too." Manila said.
"What's going on ?" AJ came downstairs.
"Professor wants Berlin to lead the mission inside the museum." Mónica said. AJ started laughing but her laugh dried out when she realized they were serious.
"You really mean it ?" She asked Professor.
"Yes. I mean he is capable." Professor said.
"And because he is your brother." Denver said.
"Look Sergio, with all due respect I have for you, please don't do this." AJ said.
"Don't you trust me, AJ ?" Andrés asked.
"It's not about trusting, Andrés. In the past, your actions took a shape of a catastrophe. So did Palermo's. And Tokyo's. And Rio's. So let's not make the same mistake again."
Andrés remained quite for a moment and then said," Whom do you suggest ?"
"Manila and Mónica. They are both responsible." AJ looked at Manila and Mónica.
"I agree." Palermo raised his hand and then slowly everyone raised their hands and supported.
"I think they are gonna do great." Andrés smiled and supported too.

That day Berlin understood that the mistakes he had done in the past would not leave him easily. AJ wouldn't trust him easily. And why would she ?

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