Plan Ganymade

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Dedicated to softalonso and xWhateverrrx .

When AJ went inside the house again to bring Lisa, something inside Emine told her something was wrong. She said to her son who was sitting in the back all bruised," Yusuf, call Elena. Tell her to get ready for Plan Ganymade."
"Okay, anne." Yusuf made the call. As soon as Elena got the call, she contacted her partners in the plan. Marsella and Bogata. They wer waiting nearby. They were the extra players Professor kept for serious problems. Even though Bogata was a welder, he offered his help. Professor needed people he could trust. Elena, Marsella and Bogata set out for the house. They reached within half and hour. They met with Emine near the car. Their plan was to kidnap Sandro if things go wrong. And it did. When Emine and Yusuf took Lisa and AJ in their car, Elena and her team in their police uniforms, put an handkerchief on Sandro's nose. It had chloroform which made him unconscious. They took him to the team's main house. They kept him in the basement. While others were busy with Lisa, AJ and Helsinki, Elena took care if Sandro. Around nine o'clock, he came to his senses.
Sandro looked around but he couldn't figure anything out. He saw a guy sitting in front of him.
"Where am I ?"
"We wanted to move you to hell but they won't take a bastard like you." Marsella smiled.
"Do you know who am—"
"Do you know what I know about you, Mr. Oliver Sandro ? Or should I say, Mr. Henry Walkfield's right man in the police force ?" Hearing these words, Oliver's throat went dry.
"W-What do you mean ?"
"I mean, you are fucked now. So, how about you tell us where are Peter and Maya hiding ?"
"Never." Sandro said and Marsella punched him. His nose started bleeding.
"I can do this all day long."

"Sir, they are here." An officer informed Giovanni. The Carabineiri was here. So was others. A group of special task force was made under the instruction of two governments. Some senior officers came from Turkey. Moreover, Ibrahim Aksoy came to Milan since he is the defense minister of Turkey.
"Hello, uncle." She hugged him. Ibrahim treated Aaliyah as his own daughter. He always wanted a daughter but had none.
"Things turned bad, didn't they ?" Ibrahim asked. She nodded.
"Don't worry. We got this. Remember my plan ?"
"Yes. I have prepared everything."

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