Ah Sandro !

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Six Hours ago***

Giovanni successfully busted their last known addresses. Their real names were now known. They were all over the news. People overjoyed at this wonderful news.
"The last address leads to this guy. Jonathan Hoppler. He bought this place two years back. This guy is sick. Murder, Extortion, Drugs, illegal weapons. Name it. All of them are here." An officer informed Luca. He nodded. Until now, the places they have busted didn't have anyone.
Two people didn't join their heist. Peter and Maya. The two were in Jonas's place because Sandro told them to hide there. But now, somehow the police got hold of that address.
"Sir, you should return to the tent. Let me take this operation under my control. I think Costa might need your help."
"Nah. Costa will be fine. She is tougher than all of us." He laughed.
"I think it's fine, sir. We will okay." Sandro can't do a single thing in Luca's presence.
"Okay then. Good luck." He bid goodbye and Sandro sighed in relief.

"Don't you think they will also have back up plans ? I mean they are not idiots. They are planning an heist." Emine asked while they were all having dinner.
"Of course, anne. From a true antagonist illimitable courage is transmitted to you. Kafka." AJ quoted and Martinez clapped his hands like a child and said,"Smooth."
"Well, thank you. Now, what was I saying ? Yes, Kafka. When their plan will go south, they will work on their backup plan. Let me state our advantages. One, the names of their plans are not cool as ours. Two, their plan will include hurting hostages, emotional tortures. That will make the police more angry. Both Turkey and Italy will be angry. Third, we will launch an counteracting plan on their backup plan which will be conducted by Lisa."
"Me ?" Lisa mumbled with her mouth full of food.
"Yes, darling. You will be with Sandro. The man who is one of the reliable sources of Henry. Sandro will try to contact the two robbers who will not join the heist. They will together try to inform the gang about. We have to stop that."
"Or else ?" Tokyo asked.
"We will be little fucked."

Lisa was with Sandro's team. They were driving towards Jonas's place. She quickly texted AJ about the location and told them to be ready.
"Bitches, we are up." AJ told her team.
"Good Lord, I am gonna do some action." Helsinki said with some confidence.
"Only if needed." Emine warned.
"Yes. Our job is to make sure they don't get away and inform their people inside the museum. Remember, our friends are inside there, counting on us." AJ said. Soon they got into their police uniforms. They are supposed to be another "backup team" for the police.

"Hey sweetie, I won't be able to make it tonight. How about you and Suzie go to that party you were talking about ?" Sandro called Peter.
"Okay. We will get out." Peter and Maya started arranging everything. The moment they would enter the house, Peter and Maya would be close to the museum sending their message through a drone. Chances of getting that drone hacked would be little hard but it would reach the terrace of the museum where Tobi was always stationed for receiving messages.
"Hello, officer." Jonas started negotiating with Aaliyah.
"Hello." Aaliyah looked at the screen. He was sitting on a chair drinking some juice.
"You should address me as sir, don't you think ?"
"Why ? You aren't a gentleman."
"Oh, I am a gentleman if you get to know me ! I just thought some cool name will be nice. I mean, that guy called Professor was really cool."
"Are you Professor ?" Aaliyah asked. Raquel smirked at Sergio.
"No. But he was good guy. Stole so much money."
"Well, I am actually more concerned about the people inside. We might have heard some gunfire. Is everyone okay ?"
"Do you care for me ?" Jonas laughed.
"Ah ! My heart. Officer, you broke my heart but don't worry, everyone here is alright. The gunfires were to scare them a little."
"Look, whatever you do don't hurt any of the hostages."
"Look officer, we are here to steal some of the finest pieces. Why ? Because we want money. And listen, no one wants bloodshed. So don't worry." He hung up.
"What a motherfucking liar !" Officer Laura who was sitting next to Aaliyah said.
"Costa, is everything okay ?" Giovanni entered the tent.
"Yes sir. We just talked to that guy. He kept lying about the gunfires. Sir, where is Sandro ?"
"He went to look at the Jonathan's last address. He told me to come here. I know he will handle the situation there." Giovanni smiled at her. Aaliyah looked at Professor who

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