The woman

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"AJ, stop screaming and come here !" Kaigo shouted. Then a woman wearing a white shirt with black leather pants came out. Strands of her hair fell on her face from her messy bun. A innocent smile was on her face which made everyone wonder. She had a plate in her hand which had two slices of bread on it.

"Sorry guys, I took this flight so early in the morning and forgot to eat something. In the flight, they gave me food but it wasn't enough. I feel hungry every fifteen minutes. It's true. I was in so much hurry—" She was stopped by Lisa who said,"AJ, please introduce yourself. And then talk."
"Ah yes ! Hello, I am AJ. The woman who planned everything to save him." She smiled.
"The woman ?" Tokyo asked.
"You helped me escape ?" Berlin asked.
"Yeah, yeah but where is the chocolate syrup ?" AJ asked restlessly while looking at the table. It seemed that she really didn't't care about anything and except chocolate syrup at that point.
"Here." Martías handed her the syrup. She mumbled a thank you. Then she took two more slices of bread from the table and an apple. She sat down and started eating. Everyone was staring at her with so many questions. AJ felt everyone's stares at her and she asked,"Do you guys have questions you wanna ask ?"

"Yeah. One." Raquel asked.
"Why didn't you come from the front door ?"
"I thought you guys were gonna be busy with Andrés, you know all emotional and I was really hungry. Please don't mind. Food is important,you know."
"It's alright. I have heard your name here and there. Are you the one who assassinated Piero Gonzalez the guy who stole Air Force confidential cases ?" Professor asked.
"Yeah. The guy was one hell of a creep. I swear." She said while eating the apple.
"What do you do ?" Mónica asked.
"Assassin, criminal psychologist, former secret agent and negotiator of the government of Spain. I helped a bunch of robbers too. Many governments around the world still hire me."
"So you kill people ?" Denver asked.
"Whatever. I just want to thank you for helping me." Berlin said and smiled.
"You're welcome." She smiled back. "By the way, I am not seeing Merseille. Is he not here ?"
"He is not here. How do you know him ?" Palermo asked.
"Through my friend. He helped my friend once. Good guy. Really hard working."
"I think we should go now." Lisa said. Kaigo nodded his head. They got up from their places.
"Yes. It was nice meeting all of you. You guys slayed both of the heists. Congratulations. I hope you guys slay in the future too." AJ got up from her seat. She actually managed to finish her food really quickly. She was after all, very hungry.
"You guys should stay here." Tokyo proposed spontaneously.
"Yes. We have tons of rooms." Raquel smiled. Everyone nodded. After all they saved Andrés.
"It's okay. We should not trouble you guys. Our hotels are booked and I was thinking about visiting some places here." AJ said.
"Oh shit !" Kaigo exclaimed in shock.
"What ? What happened ?" Lisa asked.
"About the hotel, I—"
"Kaigo, did you—"AJ asked with a calm voice.
"Yes. But don't worry. I can fix it." Kaigo told her. AJ grabbed his hand and went towards the door.
"I gave you one job, Kai ! One fucking job ! Book the rooms on Thursday. Today is Sunday."
"Look, I was busy with some work and Nina called."
"I don't fucking care who called. What I care is that where I will stay."
"I can hack stuff."
"We don't always have to act like criminals. We are common people."
"Common people who kill and save robbers ?" Kaigo smirked.
AJ twisted his hand in milliseconds and made him face the wall. Everyone got up from the seats and went near them.
"Take it easy, AJ !" Lisa said.
"Next time you make this mistake, I will make sure I will skin you alive and will take ten foot pole and shove it in your ass !"
"I am sorry ! Sorry, AJ ! Bro, please. My arm !" The pain he felt was visible from his reaction. His face was bit red.
"Is he okay ?" Raquel went near them.
"He is fine. He is just a dumbass." Lisa smiled.
"You guys should stay here. I promise you will like it in here. Less people. Fresh country air. And food." Raquel suggested.
"You had me at less people." AJ smiled and kissed Raquel's cheeks.
"She reminds me of Nairobi." Helsinki said.
"Yeah. I was thinking the same thing." Denver said.
"Me too." Tokyo smiled.

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