The Storm Part Two

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"How are we going to overpower them ?" Manila asked.
"It's going to be risky. But that's how we roll, right ?" AJ smirked.

Jonas was pacing across the hall in front of the hostages. He was nervous but showing weakness right there would be bad. He was carrying out the heist. He should remain collected and calm. He hadn't talked to negotiate yet. The police also didn't call to the museum's telephone.

"Hey !" Berlin said to Issac and others who were sitting close to him.
"Yeah ?"
"Did you guys see that ? That guy went inside and changed his guns !"
"Yeah, you are right !" Tokyo said enthusiastically.

"Once an experiment was conducted to test how a person questions himself even he is taking the right decision and then ends up doing wrong. Few people sat in a room and were asked to say what object was presented in front of them. Except one, everyone was actor and was asked to say it was a cup. But it was something else. The non-actor person hearing the answer of the majority agreed with them." AJ told them a simple story.
"Why are you telling us this story ?" Tokyo said.
"Patience, Tokyo. The story shapes a part of our plan. You guys are going to be hostages. That means, scared but enough courage to plot a plan. You are going to make a plan with other hostages."

"The guy had a smaller gun with him earlier. Then he went near the women's bathroom and got a bigger one !" Tokyo said.
"Maybe he went to the storage room. Maybe they are keeping the guns there. That storage room's CCTV is not working." Issac said.
"So what are we going to do ?" Mona said.
"We can get inside there and take some guns." Issac said.
"Are you crazy ?" Palermo asked.
"Do we have any other choice ? They will kill us. They are ruthless." Rio said.
"But we need a diversion." Berlin said.
"I know one." Mónica said.

"Let's call them, sir." Aaliyah suggested.
"You are right. We can't wait longer." Sandro agreed because he was excited to begin his part in the plan. He sat down and contacted through the telephone of the museum.
"Hello ?"
"Hello sir, I am speaking on behalf of the Italian Government."
"Ah ! You called at last. We thought you guys didn't care about these  people." Jonas laughed.
"What is your name, sir ?" Sandro asked.
"What a dumbass question ! I am not telling you that. We, robbers are wearing a shitty mask on our faces which sticks to our face like a second skin. But you can call me John. What is your name, dumbass ?"
"Oliver Sandro."
"Sandro ? Wonderful ! Well, I am going to call you Botticelli. Okay ?"
"Sandro will be okay. Let's get down to work, John. When are you going to let the hostages go ?"
"When I'll be finished with my work."
"What's your job ?"
"Performing a heist. It's sad you can't watch it."
"Sad, indeed." Sandro smirked.
"Is there any beautiful woman near you, Sandro ?"
"Why ?"
"I believe woman are good listeners. Men only listen when they find something useful for them. But women, they always listen. Smallest details are stuck inside their brains. That's why they win every argument. So next time you call, I wanna hear a woman's voice. Bye." Jonas cut the call before Sandro could answer.
"Costa, you'll talk next time." Giovanni said.
"Yes, sir." Aaliyah then went near and said near Raquel.
"When is Plan Chaos going to start ?" Aaliyah asked her.
"In few minutes." Her eyes were fixed on the screen.

After dinner, everyone tried to sleep. But plan Chaos was already on. It was now past midnight. The lights were dim but not out. The robbers were feeling a little drowsy but the amount of caffeine they had was restricting them. Suddenly, a scream echoed throughout the museum. Someone was screaming their lungs out. It was Isabella. Screaming and crying. Everyone circled her.
"What the hell is going on ?" Jonas went hear her.
"I think she is having a nightmare. Berlin said.
"Why won't she stop ?" Yanel asked.
In that moment, Mónica, Manila, Denver, Issac and Leonard sneaked their way slowly towards the storage room. Mona was standing in front of the bathroom with her daughter. She was their lookout.
Inside the storage room, there was a table where guns were above it. Issac, Leonard, Manila took two guns and rushed outside.
"Wait. Why are these so light ?" Mónica knew how guns should weigh. She examined closely and her blood turned cold.
"These are fake, Denver !"
"Manila." Denver and Mónica rushed outside but the damage was already done. Professor sitting inside the police tent, had his eyes frozen to the screen. A storm was blowing up. It's either going to kill them or they can survive it but the survival rate was low.

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