EPILOGUE 4 - Colourfully Grey

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Sunday 03.08.35

"Sophie is a total daddy's girl anyway." Roni whined through the call as Sophie's cries resounded in the background. "Mase do no spread your craziness to her please!" I raised my voice so that he could hear as I cleaned the dining table. 

It was the summer holidays and I had let the maid off so that I have a chance to look after the kids and the house for a while. 

El had left her children over today to play with ours so that she and Toby can go on a date. 

Their little one, Dylan who was 1 years old, was currently sleeping in his pram outside even through the loud laughters that the children made as Gray chased after them. 

Honestly it was a surprise when El announced she was pregnant for the fourth time. The girl had insisted that she'd never go beyond three children and since Dylan happened to be an accident, they really had no choice but to go forward with it. 

Now, we are so happy that the boy is in our life. He was only 1 years old but the absolute cutest.

"I'm not the crazy one! The crazy one is sitting right here!" Mase beamed, causing me to let out a giggle. 

Ever since Roni had come for Sophie's funeral, she had stayed over at Harlow to support Mase, leaving her son Adrian with Rachel and Emma, Robert's daughter and wife.

Mase had also met his son and I still remember that very day when he did till today.

We had all gone with him and I recall witnessing him become so nervous. Adrian was a very reserved child, not easily getting along with everyone, so when Mase tried to even talk to him, the kid wasn't exactly entertained.

However, surprisingly out of all the kids, Adrian seemed to get along with Hazel the most. They both immediately clicked and I must say they have some sort of strange connection to randomly laugh together at no particular reason. 

Roni admitted her feelings for Mase and they finally decided to go out. 

It was only then that I had learned more about their relationship than I have ever known. 

Mase had always apparently had a crush on Roni and even confessed to her after they both lost their virginity to each other. 

Since Roni didn't see him that way, she simply dismissed the idea and blatantly rejected him, saying they were better as friends. 

Now when we ask Roni about her sexuality she often says that she thinks it was her way of unconsciously denying her feelings for Mase. 

It was really twisted.

Honestly, I'm just glad that everyone is happy. 

Nobody has ever understood Mase and Roni as much as they understood each other and even though I did used to think they had a thing going on, it is only confirmed now since they are dating. 

Mase hasn't proposed to marry her just yet but he has already told the rest of us that he is definitely planning to soon. 

They gave birth to Sophie, named after Mase's mother of course, just about a two years ago and she is definitely a replica of Mase with her dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Except, unlike Adrian, she had inherited Roni's unique pale skin.

Everyone was at Harlow except for Roni and Mase and my baby sister and Derek. Just before Roni had announced her pregnancy with Sophie, Chris had passed away from his excessive drinking problem. 

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