CHAPTER 11 - Lie

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Friday 20.06.15

I sighed, walking out of biology class, glad that the day was over. Urgh, I hated biology lessons. Though it was the only science I genuinely enjoyed, it was one of the few lessons I dreaded to attend. Not having any of your friends to be there and entertain you during the lesson really did make the one hour class feel like two, but at least it forced me to actually learn something.

There were several students giving me dirty looks and I have finally learnt to completely ignore their presence. Aside from the annoying glances and the hushed voices, it wasn't too bad to deal with. Yes, for sure, I would have preferred it if none of the students treated me like an outcast but in all honesty, I wouldn't ever trade it for the friends I have made.

I trudged my way down the hallway, smiling to myself as I recalled Wednesday. Gray had dropped me off by the spa place where El was already waiting for me. Roni didn't take too long to join us and soon we were all under all sorts of pleasurable treatments. 

We spoke so much that day I couldn't believe how much I had learned about the two. El took the opportunity to tell me about her dad who passed away years ago. I had never known that side to her especially since she is always full of love and happiness, but I guess even the happiest people on earth can be going through of the worst forms of pain. 

Roni also gave me an insight to her life without her parents and how hard it had been for her living with her brother who has to work to financially aid them both. She didn't have any other relatives and I could only imagine how much of a struggle she goes through. 

She was so strong, and it honestly made me so proud to see how far she has come. She had to overcome so many things such as mental health issues, financial problems and when she admitted how grateful she was for the rest of the crew for sticking by her side, it truly made me realise how blessed I was to also be part of it.

I was tempted to also bring up my situation, especially after they both brought up theirs. But my case was different. They both shared me a past that they had overcome whereas I was actually going through the dark period. 

I knew exactly how much worry this would cause them and I didn't want to be burden to them because of that. Unlike in South Barn where I didn't admit any of the truths in fear that they would take advantage, with these lot I didn't even have an ounce of that worry. They would never do that to me; I wasn't afraid of them using my weakness against me because I knew for a fact that they would be the last people on earth to ever do that.

Instead, I didn't want them to look at me each time with concern, knowing well that behind my wide smiles there was a deep sorrow hidden. They were currently the reason for my happiness and I never wanted that to be taken from me. 

"Hey you!" A voice called out in the corridor. I hadn't realised I was smiling to myself until they dropped when I came to meet Mr Collin's deathly eyes. My entire body froze as my heart stopped beating for a moment, panic spreading through my nerves. 

I could barely even breathe as I came in contact with his hard gaze, feeling much smaller and weaker. All my senses were taken from me and my mind went completely blank, unable to even give him a reply with my mouth that had gone completely dry. 

He slowly walked towards me, holding that scrutinising glare of his and at each step he took, my pulse rose higher and higher. This is going to be the end of me and I knew anytime soon I would collapse into a panic attack asI felt my breathing become irregular. 

All of a sudden, a hand pulled my wrist, forcefully dragging me away from the teacher. I was still bewildered, and my senses barely even caught up to me as his light brown hair consumed my sight. 

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