CHAPTER 69 - Blaze

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Saturday 27.06.23

Thankfully Roni woke up at a perfect time and was not only able to complete El's makeup but also the rest of the bridesmaids. The poor girl didn't even complain once and instead, she had only been bubbling with excitement the whole morning.

El had slipped into her wedding dress and I must say she looks like an absolute goddess. The wedding dress was the one Lacy had worn for her own wedding and after a few alterations, it looked perfect on El.

It slowly made me begin to realise exactly how big this day is and I must say I had to stop myself from looking at her if I didn't want to cry and ruin the makeup.

As the groom, Toby had already left the hotel along with Mase, Gray, Derek and the two best men, Idris and Lamar. Although it was odd to have two best men, Toby refused the idea to have only one of them partake. 

My hair was freely let out under the purple flower crown that was placed on my head, matching the light purple strapless dress we bridesmaid wore. I absolutely loved the look El went for the bridesmaid. 

It was only yesterday when she revealed the dresses to us, and we all at once fell in love with it. 

"My heart is about to rip out!" El squealed and I pulled her hand in mine in an attempt cool her down. Bless the girl, she was going through more nerves than I could ever imagine. 

It didn't take too long for us all to head out, all the bridesmaids and Mark shoved in one limo. 

Since El had lost her father, Mark was to replace his position and walk her down the aisle. 

My own heart was soaring with fear as I knew what was to come up for me. El had specifically planned to get me partnered with the Gray and in all honesty, I was dreading it.

When she had informed me yesterday, I didn't complain despite the panic attack I internally faced, not wanting to stress her out. It really wasn't much of a big deal anyway, since we simply had to hold onto each other as we walk down the aisle, but the mere idea of touching him made my heart leap out. 

Thankfully, I didn't meet Gray after she had informed me, or else I would have seriously considered dipping out. But no matter what, I would never do that to El. 

There are times when I just want to stay stuck in the hotel room and cry, but my top priority right now is no other than El and Toby, and if it means holding in my emotions just so they both can have a great time, I would do it in a heartbeat.

The beauty session that us girls had whilst the guy celebrated their bachelor's part last night had definitely brought my mood back up, however. It was just the girls, and I must say that sometimes it was really nice to have that. 

We could have simply had a party of our own but we knew we'd be tempted to drink. Since Roni had threatened to castrate Mase if Toby drinks even the slightest bit of alcohol, people other than the groom himself refused to drink in fear of Roni. 

However, my concern wasn't only on whether Toby drank or not, in fact the longer their party lasted, the more I wondered how Gray and Callum was dealing with each other in the same room. I hadn't been able to ask Cal but I was bursting to know.

We reached the church and El's breathing rose. My own heartbeat accelerated from simply watching her go through this much nerves and before I knew it, I embraced my best friend in a hug. 

It was a quick, warm hug, but I felt her physically relax before I released and got out of the limo, carefully holding onto the lilac posy bouquet. 

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